The motions of censure of the Nupes and the RN rejected, the first part of the Budget adopted

by time news

The hope of the opposition was tiny, it was officially swept away. First, the motion of censure tabled by Nupes, in response to Article 49.3 of the Constitution activated on Wednesday by the Prime Minister to pass without a vote the revenue part of the finance bill, was rejected on Monday evening . She obtained 239 votes out of the 289 necessary despite the surprise support of the RN, the union of the left and the elected officials of Marine Le Pen not gathering more than 240 votes. In the process, the motion of censure tabled by the RN, this time not supported by the Nupes, also failed to shake the government. The first part of the budget is therefore indeed adopted.

Earlier in the day, it was Cyrielle Chatelain who launched hostilities, presenting the first Nupes motion. Then Marine Le Pen spoke for the RN. The motion of the 89 far-right deputies, co-signed by the non-registered Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, accuses the government of a “denial of democracy”, because it has “erased with a stroke of the pen about fifty amendments, yet voted ” in the National Assembly, before the shutdown of 49.3.

Marine Le Pen then surprised all the ministers and deputies by announcing that her group would vote in favor of the motion of censure tabled by Nupes. Even with this political twist, these motions had a priori no chance of winning the absolute majority of 289 votes required to bring down the government.

Only one motion passed in 1962

The right had warned that it would not vote for them “not to add disorder to disorder”.

“If one day we have to vote for a motion of censure, this is the one we will have chosen to table. And we do not refrain from doing it, ”commented Sunday on Radio J Olivier Marleix, the leader of the LR deputies.

Under the Fifth Republic, only one motion of censure was adopted, in 1962, bringing down the government of Georges Pompidou.

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