The move of the Ra’am party towards Ben Gabir

by time news

It already seems to be a settled fact that Itamar Ben Gabir is the next Minister of Internal Security and among the Arab politicians there are those who do not boycott and come with an attitude of cooperation with him which will play in his favor and qualify him in the sector as well

The Ra’am party led by Knesset member Mansour Abbas, which until this moment has not expressed itself publicly regarding its policy towards the designated government, will try to recruit with it several heads of authorities from the Arab society who will actually call for talks with the designated Minister of Internal Security Itamar Ben Gabir. This is reported by Muhammad Majadala II. News 12′.

It is about communication and even full cooperation. This is no small thing. This is a change in the attitude of a significant part of a society that is actually expected to be the leader of the boycott against someone who in their eyes is seen as a racist and a hater of Arabs, even though Ben Gvir reiterates that he is in favor of the death penalty only for terrorists and the deportation of their families.

There is no doubt that the move will serve Ben Gabir and will mainly help him neutralize the accusations against him. For him, it will be another victory. After bringing the victory of the right over the center-left, he will bring victory over the Arabs – who can no longer remain indifferent to him or ignore his existence.

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