The Movie Charity 2024, MPI Italia donates 10,000 dollars to support the international meeting industry

by time news

Over 80 professionals from the meeting industry attended the event, preceded by a meeting at The Home of The Human Safety Net in San Marco with Veneto operators to present the data from the National Observatory of Congresses and Events with a focus on the Veneto destination.

The 11th edition of The Movie Charity Auction has officially closed All Star Agencypromoted by MPI Italy since the first year, organized with the support of a team of students from the Master THEM of the BeAcademyed in partnership con Venice Region Convention Bureau Network e Vela Spa at The Home of The Human Safety Net in San Marco and Hotel Villa delle Palme in Lido di Venezia. This year, the proceeds raised were 10,000 dollars, which MPI Italia will once again donate to the MPI Foundation, to renew our commitment to the international meetings industry.

We were delighted to welcome the 11th edition of The Movie Charity Auction by MPI Italia to Venice” declared the Operations Director of Vela Spa Fabrizio D’Oria: “an appointment that allows us to take stock of a sector – that of MICE – which has a significant weight for the city and its metropolitan system. A sector in continuous evolution that Vela follows carefully, trying to respond to the new demands of the market in terms of quality and not quantity in order to keep up with global competition between cities. It should be taken into account that event and conference tourism, due to its sedentary nature organized over several days, represents a very attractive sector for all destinations but in particular for Venice, which has undertaken a policy of regulating flows, aimed at ensuring a higher quality of visits and stays in the city both during the conference and during free time”.

The event began with a meeting promoted by Vela/Venezia Unica Convention Bureau dedicated to the presentation of the data of theNational Observatory of Congresses and Events edited by Federcongressi&eventi and the High School of Economics and International Relations of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart – ASERImoderated by Louise White for MPI Italia and enriched by the technical interventions of Simone VenturiniCouncillor for Tourism of the Municipality of Venice, Fabrizio D’OriaChief Operating Officer of Vela spa, and Enrico Jesus per Venice Region Convention Bureau Networkin addition to the presentation of theVeneto Federated Regional Tourism Observatoryedited by Chiara Comiratoand a speech on DMS and Artificial Intelligence by Luke Bishops. Over 80 professionals from the meeting industry and Venetian operators gathered at San Marco and invited to continue to the Lido of Venice, at the suggestive location of Villa delle Palme, for a networking cocktail organized by Mabapa and a talk with two talents from the world of cinema, guest stars of the evening: the director Francis Apolloni and the actress Liliana Fiorelli.

The charity auction continued online on the dedicated website gathering interest and wide participation. In fact, numerous offers were collected for the 58 voucher offered by as many sponsors among the main Italian hotel chains and structures, together with important hotel brands from Madrid, Budapest, London and Austria.“I am happy to see that the Movie Charity Auction has become a tradition for both the Meeting Industry and Showbiz.” – These are the words of Mauro Bernardini, event owner with his All Star Agency“This year we also participated in the fun Movie Party of the Norwegian film “Love” from the official selection of Venice 81. The constant annual contribution to the MPI Foundation represents a winning case history at European level”.

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