The Municipality of Montevideo presents a series of films made by women

by time news


Boscoby Alicia Cano Menoni (Uruguay, 2020)
Deliaby Victoria Pena (Uruguay, 2021)
8 stories about my hearing lossby Charo Mato (Uruguay-Argentina, 2021)

That weekendde Mara Pescio (Argentina, 2021)
Short years, eternal daysby Silvina Estevez (Argentina, 2020)
Danubeby Agustina Pérez Rial (Argentina, 2021)
my friend from the parkby Ana Katz (Argentina-Uruguay, 2015)

short films
the force of the earthby Federika Odriozola, María José Silva, María Laura Rocha (The Platform)
In you DNAby Carolina Campo (Monarca Films)
Women in the foregroundby Alicia Cano (Mother House / IPRU)
energeticby Alicia Cano (Mutant Cinema)
IrinaFlavia Quartino, by Lucía Garibaldi and Patricia Iccardi
Selection of winning short films from the MIEM-Dinatel call: participation of women in the productive activity of Uruguay.

The schedule of functions will be available weekly at the Cultural Agenda of the Municipality of Montevideo.


There will be functions until May in the following spaces:
Zitarrosa Room (Av. July 18, 1012)
Artisan Cultural Center (Aparicio Saravia 4697)
Jorge Lazaroff Room (Av. José Belloni 3027)
Goes Cultural Center (General Flores and Domingo Aramburu)
complex shakes (Los Angeles 5340). Cedel Carrasco (Benito Cuñarro esq. Av. Bolivia s/n. Parque Rivera)
Florencio Sanchez Cultural Center (Greece 3281)
Prado House of Culture (By Lucas Obes 897)
The Malvin Experimental (Dr. Decroly 4971)
Idiarte Borda Castle (Av. Lezica e Iturbe).
Alba Roballo Cultural Center (Jose Llupes 5350)
Gunpowder House Cultural Center (Cno. Cibils y Bulgaria)
Julia Arevalo Cultural Center (Alfredo Moreno and Cno. Tomkisnon)
Plata Park Cultural Center (Av. Ferreira corner calle 13)

On TV City

TV Ciudad, the public channel of Montevideo, joins the proposal by broadcasting four titles during March:
Friday 3, 10:00 p.m.: Short film program.
Saturday 11, time 22.00: Delia
Saturday 18, time 22.00: 8 stories about my hearing loss
Saturday 25, time 22.00: my friend from the park

The 2023 edition of Producers has the collaboration of the festival “La mujer y el cine de Argentina”, a civil and cultural association that since 1988 promotes films made by women.

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