The mysterious ball lying on the side of the road; When examined, the giant python was 14 feet long

by time news

Officials from the New York Department of Environmental Conservation arrived on the scene after receiving reports of a large snake lying in the Metford area of ​​Long Island, New York. But when he got there, he saw a ball mysteriously lying on the roadside. After a little more detailed examination, the officials realized that this was the snake they were looking for. A reticulated python was curled up in a ball and lying on the roadside.

Although the incident took place on February 14, the officials released the information about it a few days ago. A detailed examination revealed that the python was 14 feet long. But officials say the snake was found dead. Officials have also taken a picture so that the size of the snake can be accurately understood. Along with this picture, it is mentioned in the post shared on social media that after removing the snake from the road, its body was hidden.

The initial conclusion is that the snake that was kept in some house escaped and reached the road. It may have reached this area by boarding any parked vehicle. But keeping pythons of this species is illegal in New York. The law requires a special license to breed dangerous animals. Therefore, the official stated that an investigation has been started to find out who is the owner of the snake.

Living in temperatures below 50 degrees is not easy for pythons. So it is concluded that the snake that came out in the New York winter will not survive more days. Reticulated pythons in their natural habitat can average 13 to 16 feet in length. But some have been found as long as 20 feet and weighing up to 300 pounds. They are native to South Asia and Southeast Asia. But due to illegal smuggling of pets, they reach many parts of the world.

English Summary: Mysterious ‘ball’ seen beside road was 14-foot invasive snake, New York officials say

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