the Nantes University Hospital calls for the “just recourse” of the emergency services

by time news

Already faced with strong tensions, the Nantes health establishment fears a “complete saturation” of its emergency services and a deterioration in the quality of care.

Le Figaro Nantes

A strike by general practitioners, characterized by the closure of their practices, is announced for this Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd December. All medical unions support the movement. A first since 2015. Something to worry the Nantes University Hospital, which fears an influx of patients in its emergency services during these two days while the bronchiolitis epidemic is still active and the flu virus is spreading.

The Nantes health establishment, which activated its white plan on November 24, says it is still faced with « tensions » in pediatric and adult emergencies “despite the measures taken” (staff reinforcements, reassignment of professionals, dedicated beds for emergencies, deprogramming).

Consequently, he therefore calls on the population to “good use “ emergencies in order to avoid “a complete saturation of its health services” and a potential deterioration of “the quality of care”. In this sense, the Nantes University Hospital recalls the instructions of “just recourse” to the emergency services to follow.

Specific instructions for infants

“Only go to the emergency room when referred by a doctor or by the SAMU-Centre 15, except in a proven emergency”indicates the CHU which specifies that you should only call the Samu in the event of “vital emergency”. In general, patients are advised to opt for city medicine and SOS Médecins associations.

The health establishment also issues specific advice to young parents due to the bronchiolitis epidemic which has not yet reached its peak (it is expected within about two weeks in Loire-Atlantique, editor’s note). “For infants under three months, avoid contact with people as much as possible (shops, public transport, etc.) and strictly apply barrier gestures, especially if you are sick yourself”he wrote in a press release.

“It is important to realize, for each and every one of us, that the sustainability of our hospital system can only pass through the fair use of these services”concludes the CHU.

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