The NAZ reported what the support parameters are recorded in the draft agreement

by time news

2024-02-11 14:55:26

The agreement will include legislative reforms with deadlines for their entry into parliament

After the talks in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food this afternoon by the National Association of Grain Producers (NOT) reported project details on the agreement.

Here is what the association informed:

“On Monday, a two-part agreement between the sector and the authority is to be concluded.

The decision of the National Association of Grain Producers (NAG) was made by all its members, who were aware of the state’s proposal, after a thorough analysis of the situation.

We categorically state that we remain ready to protest until the signing of an agreement satisfying all NAZ members, but we distinguish ourselves from the protests announced on Monday by other organizations with political demands.

Since the work of the Association is transparent, we would like to prevent speculation and doubts by informing other farmers who are not represented by agricultural structures.

The first part of the agreement will contain the financial parameters, namely: the grain production sector will be supported with the following modulated rate: from 1-3000 decares – BGN 20/decare (BGN 10 until March 31 and BGN 10 until September 30); from 3,000 decares to 6,000 decares – BGN 10 per decare (BGN 5 until March 31 and BGN 5 until September 30); from 6,000 decares to 10,000 decares – BGN 5/decare (BGN 2.5 until March 31 and BGN 2.5 until September 30); farms over 10,000 decares will receive rates for their first 10,000 decares.

It should be emphasized that the NAZ was able to agree with the authorities that the small producers would receive the funds without the need for them to report losses in the economic year 2022-2023. An important clarification is that the second tranche by September 30 will only happen in extending the aid regulation for Ukraine, which currently operates until June 30.

The second part of the agreement will concern legislative reforms with written specific texts and concepts regarding: the Law on Property and Use; The Lease Law; Law on branch organizations; Law on the Agrarian Chamber; Food Trade Act; Law of Cooperatives; ZKPO; ZSPZZZ. The state also undertakes to make irrigation a national priority.

For years, NAZ has been fighting for the most important support for the sector, namely the legislative mechanisms, which are the foundation of agricultural policy, and we are happy that they will be included in the agreement, indicating deadlines for their entry for consideration in the National Assembly.

The agreement will also outline the state’s international positions regarding the pressure on the green deal, a clear position on the derogation of EU Law No. 6, 7, 8 for this economic year and the maintenance of a licensing regime for the supply of goods from Ukraine and third countries.

NAZ stands behind the decision of its members who are fighting for the survival of agriculture. We prove once again that the definition “terrorists” does not apply to Bulgarian farmers, because they are capable of conducting constructive negotiations.”

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