The Need for Expansion: Sweden Faced with Overcrowded Prisons and Urgent Demand for 18,000 New Prison Places

by time news

Swedish Prisons Overburdened, Record Number Forced to Share Cells

Sweden is facing a significant prison overcrowding crisis, with a record number of inmates being forced to share cells due to a lack of available space. Despite the country currently having around 4,300 prison places, it is evident that this number is far from sufficient.

Last spring, the government acknowledged the urgency of the situation and expressed the need to double the number of prison places in response to the high workload. However, recent internal documents obtained by TV4 reveal an even more dire need for expanded capacity.

According to a new calculation, Sweden requires an additional 18,000 prison places. To put this into perspective, this is equivalent to the capacity of a large Swedish prison that can house 400 inmates. The revelation of these figures has raised serious concerns about the ability of the current system to handle the growing number of criminals.

Minister of Justice, Gunnar Strömmer (M), confirmed that the government has recognized the extent of the problem and conducted thorough analysis within the government office. As a result, the Correctional Service has been assigned the task of developing an extensive plan for expansion.

In light of the urgency, the government is considering various measures to address the issue. One option being explored is the potential rental of prison places abroad. This approach would enable Sweden to temporarily alleviate some of the capacity strain until long-term solutions are implemented.

Another alternative being considered is the concept of “densification.” This approach involves redesigning prison cells to accommodate two inmates. While this solution may help alleviate the immediate pressure, concerns have been raised regarding the potential impact on rehabilitation efforts and the overall wellbeing of the inmates.

The prison overcrowding crisis in Sweden raises serious questions about the country’s criminal justice system and its ability to handle the growing number of offenders. The lack of adequate prison spaces poses a risk to public safety and the effective rehabilitation of inmates. As the government intensifies efforts to address this crisis, it remains to be seen what measures will be implemented to tackle this pressing issue.

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