The Negative Impact of Magnesium Deficiency on Mood and Mental Well-Being

by time news

2023-06-29 14:27:41

magnesium deficiency can not only lead to muscle cramps, tremors and circulatory problems, an undersupply of the valuable trace element can also have a negative impact on mood and psychological well-being. Accordingly, a lack of magnesium can lead to depressive moods and even full-blown depression.

Risk factor magnesium deficiency

Of course, magnesium is not a silver bullet against all forms of mental illness. In some cases, magnesium deficiency and depressions or actually correlate mood swings, as Norwegian scientists have found. As “” reports, the Scandinavians asked over 5,000 Norwegians about their eating habits and any depressive symptoms. They discovered that the more magnesium the respondents consumed, the less such symptoms occurred. According to the study, magnesium deficiency was even a higher risk factor for depression than lack of it Movement represented.

One reason for this is that magnesium is involved in metabolic processes in the body, which include, for example, the production of serotonin. The messenger substance known as the “happiness hormone” also plays a role in the effect of classic antidepressants: These drugs against depression prevent the hormone from being taken up again quickly in the brain and keep the serotonin level in the brain high for longer.

According to the Norwegian study cited by “”, magnesium also had a positive effect on depressive symptoms in diabetics. In the case of the disease, targeted magnesium intake is particularly important. The study participants received 450 mg of magnesium with their food every day for twelve weeks.

Magnesium for mood

To prevent magnesium deficiency and depressive moods from occurring in the first place, you can make sure that you consume sufficient amounts of the trace element with your food from the outset. According to “”, the recommended daily dose is 350 mg. To achieve this, you should eat foods that are particularly rich in magnesium. These include, for example, wheat bran, sunflower seeds and nuts. Beans, spinach or oatmeal also provide magnesium, but must then be consumed in larger quantities. Magnesium-rich mineral water can also make a valuable contribution in the fight against magnesium deficiency.

#Depressive #due #magnesium #deficiency #Magnesium #psyche

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