The Negative Side of Mental Health Awareness: Exacerbation of Crises, Transforming Disorder into Identity, and More

by time news

2023-10-22 18:48:44
Title: The Pitfalls of Excessive Mental Health Awareness: How Talking Too Much Can Backfire

Over the years, mental health awareness campaigns have seen a significant increase, with many celebrities publicly discussing their struggles with psychological and mental health issues. These campaigns have played a crucial role in removing the stigma associated with these problems and encouraging individuals to seek help. However, while the intention behind raising awareness is positive, there are negative aspects that have emerged as a result.

Exacerbation of Crises:
Psychologists Jack Andrews and Lucy Foulkes raise an important question in their recent article for New Aids magazine, titled “Do mental health awareness efforts contribute to increasing mental health problems?” They suggest that mental health awareness campaigns may unintentionally exacerbate psychological crises. When individuals interpret mild symptoms of distress or sadness as deep psychological crises, it can actually intensify their distress instead of alleviating it. For example, someone with mild anxiety who self-diagnoses themselves as suffering from a severe mental illness may become hyper-focused on their worries, reinforcing anxious thoughts and ultimately making their condition worse.

Transforming Disorder into Identity:
While warnings are used to protect trauma survivors from exposure to triggering content, a study conducted by the American Psychological Association suggests that these warnings may hinder the process of overcoming psychological crises. By encouraging avoidance of negative emotions, these warnings reinforce the idea that painful experiences are an essential part of one’s personal identity, suggesting that they cause permanent psychological change. In reality, humans have inherent resilience and can overcome traumatic experiences.

Painting the Wrong Picture:
Misusing mental health terminology in everyday life can misrepresent these disorders. For example, casually claiming to have OCD without proper diagnosis can give others a negative impression of individuals with OCD as annoying, disrespectful, and overly rigid. It is important to avoid appropriating mental health terms to accurately represent these conditions.

Exploitation for Profit:
Some pharmaceutical companies have been accused of exploiting normal psychological phenomena, such as sadness and anger, by labeling them as disorders that require treatment. This tactic aims to sell medication and profit from it.

The abundance of information available about mental disorders on the internet, in movies, and through social media has contributed to the rise in self-diagnosis. People may believe they have a mental health problem based on symptoms they read about online, but this can lead to misguided self-perception and behavior.

Awareness is Not Enough:
While mental health awareness campaigns have positive intentions, they are not enough on their own to address mental health crises. Neuroscientist Dean Burnett emphasizes the importance of taking tangible steps to solve these problems. Mere awareness without subsequent action does not bring about meaningful change.

The Importance of Moderation:
To mitigate the negative impact of excessive focus on mental health issues, psychologist Clay Rutledge suggests participating in positive and feasible steps to reduce suffering. Engaging in charitable activities has proven to be beneficial for mental health, as it helps individuals redirect their focus away from their own problems and towards helping others. Exercise, including something as simple as a walk in nature, can also be effective in reducing rumination on negative thoughts and enhancing mental well-being.

While mental health awareness campaigns have played a crucial role in breaking down stigmas and encouraging individuals to seek help, excessive focus on psychological and mental disorders can lead to unintended consequences. It is important to strike a balance between raising awareness and understanding the potential pitfalls that may arise. Taking tangible steps to address mental health issues, such as engaging in charitable activities and maintaining an active lifestyle, can complement awareness efforts and bring about positive change.]
#Selfdiagnosis #exaggeration #crises…Does #psychological #awareness #increase #pain #Lifestyle

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