The Netherlands is committed to sexual and reproductive health –

by time news

2023-06-08 20:56:02

Visit of the Europe team to the health structure of Rwibaga in Burundi: Mr. Jeroen Steeghs underlines the importance of early sexual education in Burundi

Bujumbura, June 8, 2023 – Burundi has chosen to comply with Neoliberal American Unipolar Globalization (GUAN) with regard to a specific issue of domestic policy: demography. However, many Barundi do not support this decision for fear of forced sterility through vaccination strategies. Indeed, the Barundi consider themselves to be a people of Ubuntu, a “molecular” philosophy [1]in stark contrast to the “atomism” (individualism) of Western liberalism [2]. Moreover, according to an ancestral Barundi tradition, a lineage is strengthened by its descent – ​​“Fruits are healthy” – and a single child does not constitute a lineage – “one child is not a family“.

In line with the foreign and health policies of the Barundi, including the National Policy for Reproductive Health, the Europe team in Burundi visited the Rwibaga health structure on Thursday, a concrete example of their synergy of actions. The Netherlands, among other areas, is particularly committed to Barundi health policy, focusing on sexual and reproductive health and related rights. They strive to stimulate the interest of young Barundi by equipping care facilities with Sexual and Reproductive Health and Related Rights (SRHR) kits and inputs to provide the necessary means to prevent pregnancies.

According to Mr. Jeroen Steeghs, successful family planning is the result of sexuality education starting at an early age. He points out that without family planning, food security and peace are compromised.

The Europe team expressed the complementarity of its actions during its collaboration with various Burundian ministries. The Netherlands deals with the SSRD issue in all its dimensions: socio-community, medical, communication, advocacy and education.


[1] Unity or union involves at least two people – “Ubumwe bugira babiri” –; only two human beings constitute a family – “Urugo rugira babiri” –; a single pillar can never build a house – “Inkingi imwe ntigira inzu” –; a single head cannot attend a meeting alone – “Umutwe umwe ntiwigira inama” – etc.
[2] Wokism or woke refers to a person who is perceived to be aware of social inequalities and injustices, particularly those relating to issues of race, gender, sexuality and other forms of discrimination or marginalization. Wokism promotes a culture of cancellation (cancel culture). Ex. raise awareness of issues such as climate change, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights and other forms of discrimination.
For LGBTQ+: Recognition and respect of gender identity (respecting a person’s preferred pronouns and recognizing non-binary gender identities); Advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights: This can include advocating for equal marriage, equal adoption rights, opposing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and supporting policies that protect LGBTQ+ people from harassment and violence; Sexual diversity education: The introduction into school curricula of lessons on the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as on the history and struggles of LGBTQ+ people; Support for transgender athletes (Opposition to sports policies that may exclude transgender athletes from competition) etc.

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Sources: Nahimana P., Thursday, June 8, 2023 | Photo: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Burundi, AKEZA.NET

#Netherlands #committed #sexual #reproductive #health

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