The new COVID-19 vaccine ‘Wuhan-Omicron mixed line’ has entered Thailand, 5 hundred thousand doses, preparing to inject risk groups in early March.

by time news

The new COVID-19 vaccine, “Wuhan-Omicron mixed line” has entered Thailand, 5 hundred thousand doses, preparing to inject risk groups in early March. Make a budget to buy more by yourself.

On February 17 at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute Dr. Tares Krassanairawiwong Director General Department of Disease Control The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) gave an interview on the issue of vaccines to prevent COVID-19. in the Thai risk group is as targeted And we have accelerated the Immunotherapy (LAAB) campaign in high-risk groups such as patients in dialysis clinics. Elderly people in nursing homes Next week we will be campaigning in elderly care facilities to get more LAAB injections. The current vaccine stock that we currently have is still unable to determine the exact number. since it has been distributed to the regional treasury. Which will check the number to report to you later

Dr. Taret said Thailand receives support for the COVID-19 vaccine Bivalent type, which is a mixture of Wuhan and Omicron. However, the first lot is 5 hundred thousand doses. It’s a Pfizer vaccine. sponsored by South Korea arrived in Thailand It is under quality inspection by the Department of Medical Sciences. Next week there will be an award ceremony. Then the vaccine will be distributed to different provinces. According to the proportion of risk groups that the Subcommittee on Immunization has agreed that the first phase of the vaccine is limited to inject it to risk groups. public health personnel Front line workers in COVID care and group 607, consisting of elderly people over 60 years old and 7 groups of patients with chronic diseases. It is expected to begin injecting in early March. However, the second-generation vaccine will be used as a booster dose. Evidence-based vaccine efficacy data indicate that Not much different from the original version that is used today. Other groups of people who wish to inject can contact that hospital.

Dr. Thares said that for bivalent vaccine Thailand will receive support fromFrance, another lot, 1 million doses will come in March, at the same time we have received support forsubunit proteina number of additional Makes now we have enough vaccines. Can be injected to the public in the form of a stimulant needle, injected like influenza, ie 1-2 injections per year Therefore, it is expected that in 2024, Thailand will have enough vaccines. No additional supply is required.

In this regard, Dr. Tares also mentioned the monitoring of the outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Equatorial Guinea in Central Africa that the Department of Disease Control has been monitoring the situation. The disease continued which has been assigned to the international disease control checkpoint at Suvarnabhumi Airport Screening people from Equatorial Guinea and neighboring countries that there is any health problem or not It is an assessment before entering Thailand. The aforementioned countries are already inspecting yellow fever vaccination. therefore already inspected By now, it has raised the level of surveillance. and follow up on symptoms throughout your stay in Thailand

for Marburg virus It is a dangerous disease that has already been announced. Therefore, when an abnormal situation is found, intense guidelines can be issued immediately, such as bringing people to chlorantine. special follow up Please feel comfortable Because from the examination of this group of countries to Thailand, quite a few At the end of last year, only more than 10 people have not found any symptoms. No sick people were found, however, such viruses when sick. will risk death to 88%, it’s true, but very few come to Thailand so don’t worry


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