The new generation of computer scientists is competing in Szeged

by time news

2023-08-29 19:30:47

The opening ceremony of the IOI was hosted by the József Attila Study and Information Center of SZTE on Tuesday, where the organizers gave the international delegations a taste of Hungarian cultural traditions and scientific historical achievements with folk art and music performances and screening of short films featuring Hungary and the Hungarian Nobel laureates. At the opening event, the competitors of the named nations were introduced, and the organizers officially launched the Student Olympiad with a symbolic push of a button.

Gábor Szabó, former rector and chairman of the board of trustees of the University of Szeged Foundation, said that SZTE has already organized several international student competitions, but in terms of the outstanding number of participants and the prestige value of the competition, the IOI is the most prestigious of them all.

– Obviously, due to the nature of IT, the interest is very high. Not in a small way because there are many companies here who want to see the young people whom they will be able to sign. IT is a profession where young people are often taken away from the university, this is a general problem, we also struggle with it here in Szeged – Gábor Szabó told our newspaper, then continued by saying that it is already difficult to find students for master’s programs due to the attractiveness of the labor market , and doctoral students have to be “hunted down”.

– I think this event puts the University of Szeged in the center of attention for a while. Rightly so, since the reputation and history of IT at SZTE deserve to participate in the organization of such a conference, he said.

Gergely Fábián, the Secretary of State responsible for industrial policy and technology at the Ministry of Economic Development, took part in the opening ceremony. In his speech welcoming the young people, he stated that all competitors who made it to the Student Olympiad are winners from the very beginning of the competition. He praised Szeged as the domestic cradle of higher IT education.

– We are celebrating the 120th anniversary of the birth of János Neumann, and we are very pleased that we were able to bring such a prestigious, international competition here in the commemorative year. The cream and elite of the IT professionals of the future is here – said the state secretary, and then went on to say that an important goal of the government is the development of the IT sector.

– The IT sector will be one of the most important sectors of the industrial strategy being prepared, among the six priority sectors – he said.

The IOI has been organized annually since 1989 for the high school age group. Each country could delegate 4 competitors to the individual competition, and our country could delegate 8 people as an organizer. The location of this year’s student Olympiad is the Pick Arena in Szeged, where 360 ​​competitors can compare their skills in two competition days in tasks such as problem analysis, designing algorithms and data structures, as well as programming and testing.

Benjamin Burt, the president of the IOI, emphasized at the opening program that the Student Olympiad is not only a competition, but also a cross-cultural meeting. He encouraged the young people to walk with open eyes, talk and get to know each other.

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