The new management of the Israeli Olympic Committee has established four new committees

by time news

Four new committees were established at the Israel Olympic Committee at the new management meeting of the organization headed by Yael Arad as chairman of the Israeli Olympic Committee, alongside the determination of the heads of the existing committees.

The new and existing committees include athletes who are members of the Athletics Committee of the Israel Olympic Committee or a past athlete with matching knowledge and skills.

Yael Arad, Chairman of the Israel Olympic Committee, said: “I see the work of the committees as an important part of the management’s activities, especially in outlining a vision and policy for the functionaries in the organization. The new committees will add another dimension to the strenuous activity that takes place all year round. In the coming cycle, we will invite experts from various fields, including past athletes who have developed in the relevant worlds, to help us lead innovation in each of these fields, along with members of the management of the Israel Olympic Committee who are highly motivated to integrate into new and existing activities. “

Innovation and Technology Committee:

The committee will be chaired by Naor Brachel, a member of the board, who has been involved in the high-tech world in recent years.

Branding, Marketing and Advertising Committee

The committee will be headed by Yael Arad, who will invite industry experts from the field in order to lead thinking about new marketing-commercial models in Olympic sports in Israel and to examine rebranding the organization.

Liaison Committee

The committee will be chaired by board member Moshe Goldstein, treasurer of the Israel Olympic Committee.

Committee for Initiating Conferences and Development of the Olympic Experience Visitor Center

The committee will be chaired by the board member and chairman of the dominoes association, Revital Golska Cohen.

In addition, during the meeting, the heads of the additional committees were determined, which operate regularly in the Olympic Committee in Israel.

Finance Committee – It will be headed by a member of the board, CPA Eitan Barak, Professional Committee – It will be headed by management member Adi Bichman, the former Olympic swimmer, Committee for the Establishment of the New Olympic Home – It will be headed by Yigal Carmi, Chairman of the Outgoing Olympic Committee, The Medical Committee – It will be headed by Professor Gal Dubnov, who will continue to serve as chairman of the committee, Gender Equality Committee – It will be headed by Brigadier General Res. Susie Yogev, who will continue to chair the committee. Oversight Committee – It will be headed by Dafna Har Even.

Representatives of the Israel Olympic Committee in the National Sports Council will be: Yael Arad, Yoram Ernstein and Gili Lustig.

Kinneret Zedaf will be the representative of the Israeli Olympic Committee under the management of the Wingate Institute.

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