The new mayor will still file a complaint against the “intimidation” of the far right

by time news

2023-06-20 07:49:07

The tension does not go down. The mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (Loire-Atlantique), Dorothée Pacaud (without label), elected on June 9, is preparing to file a fourth complaint against the “intimidation” of the far right, a- she announced on Monday. “We must cut short (…) these incitements to hatred and violence and stop making people targets,” said Dorothée Pacaud.

The mayor of Saint-Brevin who, like her predecessor, has been the target of invective from the far right for several months, has chosen to file a complaint “every time it is judicially possible”. Her first two complaints were filed when she was still acting mayor of this seaside resort of 14,800 inhabitants, after the resounding resignation of her predecessor Yannick Morezon May 9, himself targeted by threats and violence from the far right.

Letters and messages

Dorothée Pacaud’s first complaint concerns a letter sent to the town hall of Saint-Brevin and signed with a false name which contained insulting remarks towards Yannick Morez and herself. The second complaint targets the far-right site Riposte laïque describing Dorothée Pacaud as an elected “pro-migrant” and a “dangerous woman for Saint-Brevin”. Initially published in February, it had been republished the day of the announcement of the resignation of Yannick Morez.

His third complaint was filed on June 15 against the Collective for the preservation of Pierre Attelée, made up of residents opposed to the transfer of a reception center for asylum seekers (CADA) to the town, for comments published on their Facebook page. In this publication, the collective publishes a copy of a letter asking to be received at the town hall with the following comment: “When you think about what has just happened in Annecy, any normally constituted woman or mother would have stopped the Cada’s project in his school”.

Amalgams between Saint-Brevin and Annecy

The fourth complaint, which has not yet been filed, again concerns the Riposte Laïque site, for a new article “containing abusive language and opening the door to degrading and threatening comments”, specifies the elected official.

The city councilor also confides that he received this weekend in his mailbox a leaflet “making odious amalgams between Saint-Brevin, Annecy and abominable various facts”, a document distributed according to her to other elected officials of the commune and for which she will not file a complaint. “I denounce this way of putting pressure on elected officials,” she added.

#mayor #file #complaint #intimidation

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