The new pragmatism under Rishi Sunak

by time news

Above all, the lack of workers and declining exports due to trade regulations with the EU are costing the country important growth points. Sunak, who now has to bridge the gap between Brexit and the intensification of economic relations with the EU, also knows this. The agreement that has now been reached with the EU on trade with Northern Ireland must also be seen against this background. Many Britons, especially conservatives, may not like the deal, as it indirectly calls into question Northern Ireland’s status as part of Great Britain. But Sunak must provide solutions to boost economic growth, otherwise there is a risk of another government crisis.

Also read: It was the third anniversary of the actually completed Brexit – time for a conclusion!

And the stock exchange in London? It seems to have a life of its own at the moment. Despite all the problems, it’s rising. The leading index FTSE 100 is trading at around 8000 points and thus at an all-time high. This is remarkable, but has a very pragmatic reason: the high weighting of energy/commodity and financial stocks. Companies from these two sectors make up more than half of the index weighting.

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