The new president of LR, Eric Ciotti, will set his “conditions” to vote for the pension reform

by time news

The adoption of the pension reform by Parliament will depend on the ability of the executive to garner the support of part of the opposition on this text. The new president of the Republicans (LR), Eric Ciotti, warned on Monday December 12 that he would ask « conditions » to vote for this highly contested reform, which its opponents are preparing to block by all means, from the streets to Parliament.

“If this reform makes it possible to save the system, we will contribute to it through our amendments to the National Assembly, to the Senate”declared on RTL the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, who “always defended an increase in the contribution period or the retirement age”.

“If it goes in this direction, we will naturally be concerned about the general interest, but it is too early today to tell you what our vote will be”he added, noting that we had to wait to discover the content of the text.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: the first figures emerge

“There are markers that we will put down”

“There are conditions, there are markers that we will set: save the pension system, rehabilitate small pensions at the level of the minimum wage, take into account the arduousness, also see what is happening on the special regimes”detailed the one who was elected president of LR on Sunday with 53.7% of the vote. On Monday, Emmanuel Macron announced the postponement to January 10 of the presentation of the reform, which was to take place on Thursday. The announcements seem to be a foregone conclusion, marked by the presidential promise to push back the legal age from 62 to 64, or even 65 years old. This last terminal holds the rope.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: the “family dinner” where Emmanuel Macron held the 65-year-old line

As soon as the election of Eric Ciotti as head of the party was proclaimed, several LR figures slammed the door, such as the mayor of Metz, François Grosdidier, or the boss of the Haute-Garonne federation of the party, Laurence Arribagé. “Those who leave, it’s a jolt. I won’t hold them back”reacted the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes. ” What I want (…), is to bring back those who have been disappointed, that we have disappointed. »

Read also: LR Presidency: the result obtained by Eric Ciotti is a half-disavowal

“There will never be an agreement with anyone”he also assured, when asked about a possible alliance with Eric Zemmour. “We are a party which has a very strong history, which has written the greatest pages of the Ve Republic and we are going to win in independence and in clarity on a line to the right”he added, renewing his wish to see Laurent Wauquiez carry the torch of LR in the presidential election of 2027.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers At Les Républicains, the “Herculean” projects of the new president Eric Ciotti

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