The new Rebbe Mazzuhail will sit in Miron • All events and times of Shabbat Salihot

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In the courtyards of the rebbes and followers:

Belza: Simchat Kiddosha Raba on the occasion of the birth of the great-granddaughter of the Rebbe of Belza, grandson of his son Rabbi Aharon Mordechai Rokah, son-in-law of Rabbi Rabbi Shalom Rokah, son-in-law Rabbi Yechiel Meir Panet of Rabani The Belza community in Bnei Brak will be held at the Great High Court in Kiryat Belza Jerusalem.

Zanz: The joy of peace is remembered on the occasion of the birth of the great-grandson of the Rebbe of Zanz, grandson of Rabbi Yosef Moshe Dov Halberstam, rabbi of the Zanz communities in the USA and head of Yeshivas Zanz, son-in-law Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Mottzan, son of Rabbi Aharon Mottzan, son of the Rabbi Haraz Rabbi Ezharim Fishel Mottzan Gab’d Kiryat Beshat Petach Tikva, the son-in-law of the Rebmor of Mandvorna Safed, will be held during the tish of the Rebbe of Sanz in Kiryat Sanz in Netanya.

Bayan: Great excitement on Shabbat in Bayan Chassidim ahead of the entrance to the large ‘Kloise’ in the Hasidic Center on Malki Israel Street in Jerusalem. After a few years of expanding and building the large and new and magnificent cloisonne, the highlight of which is the beautiful ceiling with the mythological dome that reminds of the ‘cloisonne’ the glory of Israel in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem. Up to five thousand places will be occupied by the “Kloise” during the terrible days, the stroke in honor of Shabbat Salihot, the Rebbe will hold a Shabbat table with a third meal. The thousands will arrive on Saturday night at midnight saying Salihot and Annu by the Rebbe of Bayan as is the custom of the Rebbe of Beit Rosin.

Vizhnitz: As the Rebbe Moi’zenitz was visiting New York on the occasion of the joyous wedding of his grandson, Shabbat sessions are closed in Lakewood, I find that the rebbe will come to the Williamsburg neighborhood to say the first salikhat in his seminary, together with all the Hasidic in the USA .

Zwaheil: During the thirtieth anniversary of the sudden departure of the Rebbe of Zwaheil Z’Zal to Ganzi from Rome, the followers of Zwaheil will gather, as has been the tradition for years, generation after generation, for a Shabbat gathering at the site of Kadisha Miron, led by the new rebbe. Ascension and unity in Etra Kadisha Miron Bezla Kaddisha of the Divine Law Rashi said that I can absolve the whole world from judgment. The meals will be held together with friends and with the participation of rabbis and elders of Hasidism, who will speak words of encouragement after the great break in the passing of the Rebbe. The boys of the groups will also have a meal together together with the leaders of the groups. On Mochash early in the morning, the entire congregation will gather in Tsotva Hada, as is the custom in Zwaheil, to say salihot in the courtyard of the cave in the Rashbi’s Zion, led by the Rebbe and Abd Zwaheil.

Miron: The influential rabbi Rabbi Elimelech Biderman will sit at Ethera Kadisha Miron on the occasion of Shabbat Selikhot, on Motzash he will say the first Selikhots in the majority with Darat Melech in the Rashbi’s Zion.

Matibta: HaShalom was remembered on the occasion of the birth of the grandson of the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern, the son of his son Rabbi Rabbi Zvi Stern, head of the collective ‘Zedekat Yeshaya’, and the head of the groups Simchat HaShalom was remembered at the Beit Midrash Hall ‘Matibta’ on Rabbi Kook Street in Bnei Brak.

Alexander: Shabbat seven blessings for Rabbi Ephraim Aharon Tversky Rabbi of Kehal Chassidim Chicago, son of the Rebbe of Hornstable, Rabbi Meir Avraham Yalvich Gabed Rabbi of the Haredim communities of Sao Paulo Brazil, with the daughter of the Rebbe of Alexander USA B, will be held at Beit Midrash Alexander in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

London: Shabbat Sheva blessings on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of the Rebbe of Kassan 22, the son of his son Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Panet, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Shalom Kessler. With the daughter of Rabbi Yitzchak Gershon Tager, son of Rabbi Mandel Tager Abd of Laalov London, will be held at the Beit Midrash Laalov in the Stamford Hill neighborhood of London.

Biala Ramat Aharon: The Rebbe of Biala Rama will sit in the Boro Park neighborhood on the occasion of the joyous marriage of his brother’s grandson Rabbi Baruch Shlomo Leib Rabinowitz, the hostel in Beit Hanach Rabbi Chaim Elazar Frankel, the prayers and tishes will be held at the Strizov Hospital.

Rahmastrivka: Shabbat Sheva blessings to the son of Rabbi Yohanan Tversky, the son of Rabbi Mordechai Tversky, son of the Rebbe of Rahmastrivka USA for holistic medicine, with the daughter of Rabbi Yaakov Seibald, and the son-in-law of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch and Vogschel.

In Abov: Shabbat Sheva blessings to the grandson of the Rebbe of Spinka, USA, son-in-law of the Rabbi Shalom Yitzchak Toiver, son of the Rebbe Rabbi Chaim Yaacov Toiver of Dakhal Sha’arei Zion in Abov, son-in-law of the Rebbe who owns the ‘Words of Shlomo’ From Babov ZIA, with the daughter of Rabbi Ya’akov David Ziegelbaum, the Rebbe of Vien, the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Spinka, ztzel.

Monsi: Shabbat seven blessings for the grandson of the Rebbe of Skolen ZIA, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Meir David Sekola Abd Khalil Tefarat Skolen B.P., the son-in-law of the Rabbinate Abdak Skolen B.B., with the daughter of the Rabbi Skolen Rabbi Shlomo Eli Bik, and the Rabbi’s son-in-law, Rabbi Yeshai Barim, at a yeshiva in Shikon Squira, to be held in Monsi.

Pshevarsk: Shabbat Sheva blessings to the grandson of the Rebbe of Pshevarsk, the son-in-law of the Rebbe Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Rotenberg, the son of the Rebbe of Kasani zt’l, with the granddaughter of the Rebbe Rabbi Avraham Katz Gab’d Tahesh Mansi, the daughter-in-law of the Rebbe Rabbi Yoel HaCohen Gross, son of the HaHatz, Rabbi Kalman Wolf Grass, Abd of Maasi Lemlech and Weitzzan. It will be held at Wilhawitz Halls in Monsey.

Biala Pashisha: The joy of marriage to the son of the Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo Goldman, son of the Rebbe of Mezvaheil, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Mestrikov, with the daughter of the Rebbe Rabbi Moshe Rabinowitz, son of the Rebbe of Biala Pshischa, son-in-law of the Rebbe Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Onsdropper the Rebbe Rabbi Mazlazshitz and rabbi of the Devri Haim Petah Tikva congregation. It will be held at the Beit Midrash in Yala Pashisha in Bnei Brak.

Spinka: Shabbat Sheva blessings on the occasion of the marriage of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Safrin, the son of the Rebbe of Kamarna B.V., the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Miskolc, with the daughter of the Rebbe of Spinka Ramat Aharon.

Zidtschoib: Shabbat Sheva blessings to Rabbi David Eli Leifer Rabbi Verdan Ndvorna, with the daughter of Rabbi Yehoshua Peretz Schneibelg Rabbi Zidtschoib Linden, son of the Rebbe of Zidtschoib Beer Sheva, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Strazshnitz. – will be held at Beit Midrash Ziditschov in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Vizhnitz: The joy of Kiddosha Raba on the occasion of the birth of the great-granddaughter of the Rebdor of Vizhnitz Kayimsha Lake, the son-in-law of the Rebdor of Rahmastrivka for complete healing, the grandson of his son Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Hashil Hagar, and the son-in-law of the Rebdor of Barniv, the daughter of his son Rabbi Yohanan Hagar, the son-in-law of Hera Rabbi David Tversky, the son of the Rebbe of Chernabile, and the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Viznitz Kaiyimsha Lake will be held at Beit Midrash Chernabile on Habakkuk Street in Bnei Brak.

Skollen: The Rebbe of Skollen will sit in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn on the occasion of Shabbat Selihot, the prayers, the tishes and the first Selikhots from the Shabak will be held by the Skollen Beit Midrash.

In the courts of the great men of Israel, the rabbis and yeshivas:

Etz Chaim: On Shabbat will be the ya’arzeit day of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Ya’akov Zalznik zt’l, the head of the ‘Etz Chaim’ yeshiva and a member of the Council of Torah Elders who passed away in 571.

Ahli Yeshua: Shabbat seven blessings on the occasion of the marriage of the grandson of the righteous genius Rabbi Israel Yitzchak Kalmanovitz, owner of ‘Ahli Yeshua’, son-in-law Rabbi Shlomo Lapidot, son of Rabbi Moshe Lapidot, rabbi of the synagogue A native of Selvodka in Kiryat Safar, the bride is the granddaughter of Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Rotenberg ztzel One of the students of Maran the ‘Chazon Ish’ zt’al.

Be’er Mordechai: Prayers continue for the complete recovery of Rabbi Baruch Shmuel HaCohen ben Leah Deutsch, head of the ‘Beer Mordechai’ yeshiva, who is in need of the many mercies of heaven and is hospitalized at the ‘Meinyei Hashua’ hospital in Bnei Brak. Even on Shabbat they will pray for his complete recovery.

Tosefet Shabbat: According to the instruction of the elders of Israel, the Shabbat must be accepted early for the treatment of Rabbi Faiga Tzipora Bat Hadassah Lau, the wife of a member of the Belahta, the chief rabbi HaGaon Rabbi David Lau, who is in need of the abundant mercy of Heaven.

The public figures, the Mashbakim, the journalists and the businessmen:

A Mazal Tov blessing for a religious public servant Rabbi Nissim Levy, rabbi of the ‘Tefila Lemsha’ community in Petach Tikva, on the occasion of the joyous birth of a son at a good time.

A Mazal Tov blessing for the Mea Shearim KMBC Yoalish Krois on the occasion of the happy Bar Mitzvah for his son Mordechai Yehoshua.

Mazal Tov greeting to Nati Kreuzer CEO of the advertising company ‘Nativ Media’ on the occasion of the happy birth of the twins at a good time.

A congratulatory greeting to Abraham Rechtsfer, the professional director of the ‘Hambasher’ newspaper, on the occasion of the happy engagement of his legendary son Leivi Rechtsfer.

A congratulatory greeting to Mordechai Krois, chairman of the Kol Ansh and Ansh Belatl of the Toldot Aharon Hassidism, on the occasion of the happy bar mitzvah of his son Shmuel Haim.

A congratulatory greeting to strategist Hezki Miller on the occasion of the happy birth of his twin sons at a good time.

A congratulatory greeting to the CEO of ‘Ihud Hastla’ Eli Polak on the occasion of the birth of his grandson at a good time.

Congratulations to the real estate developer Israel Klein from Jerusalem on the occasion of the happy engagement of his daughter.

Mazel Tov blessing to the salonim businessman and the manager of the ultra-Orthodox sector in Maccabi, Jerusalem and Shefala District Yitzhak Klein, on the occasion of the joyous birth of a son at a good and successful time.

The entry and exit times of Shabbat Parshat that will come in Israel and in the world:

Jerusalem – Saturday entry: 18:09 | Shabbat departure: 19:19 | RT: 19:59

Bnei Brak – Shabbat entrance: 18:25 | Shabbat departure: 19:21 | RT: 19:58

Modi’in Ilit – Shabbat entry: 6:15 p.m. | Shabbat departure: 19:29 | RT: 19:58

Petah Tikva and Elad – Shabbat entrance: 18:09 | Shabbat departure: 19:19 | RT: 19:59

Haifa – as Saturday entry: 18:15 | Shabbat departure: 19:21 | RT: 20:00

Ashdod – Saturday entry: 18:24 | Shabbat departure: 19:21 | RT: 19:57

Safed – Shabbat entrance: 18:16 | Shabbat departure: 19:21 | RT: 19:57

Tel Aviv – Saturday entry: 18:23 | Shabbat departure: 19:21 | RT: 20:00

Be’er Sheva – Saturday entry: 18:26 | Shabbat departure: 19:22 | RT: 20:00

New York – Saturday entry: 18:45 | Saturday departure: 20:03

London – Saturday entry: 18:58| Saturday departure: 20:00

Antwerp – Saturday entry: 19:37| Shabbat departure: 20:42

Zurich – Saturday entry: 19:18 | Saturday departure: 20:20

Paris – Saturday entry: 19:43 | Saturday departure: 20:47

Moscow – Saturday entry: 18:27 | Shabbat departure: 19:38

The public is called to add and advance to accept Shabbat half an hour before sunset to benefit and heal the sick of his people Israel.

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