The new Vocational Training law makes a firm commitment to Dual Vocational Training

by time news

2023-08-03 15:49:28

In the middle of last July, the royal decree which establishes the ordering of the new system Vocational Training, which will allow the implementation of the organic law of Organization and Integration of the FP. But it will not be this September, but we will have to wait for the 2024-2025 coursesince this regulation still has to be transferred to the autonomous communities, who have the competence of education, so there is not enough time for this change.

Even so, the modifications presented in this new regulation with respect to the previous one are not as notable as has happened with the Lomloe for Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate studies. As explained by the FP teacher Julio Miñambresthe main virtue of this law is that it includes “under the same umbrella” the different ways that, to date, there were to train or accredit a profession: the FP of the educational system, the labor administration and the process of the professional competence. “They were with different regulations and now they rely on a single one, all under the tutelage of the administration of Education“, Explain.

Dual FP reinforcement

What it does do new FP law is to give strength to Dual Vocational Training, although it is a teaching that has already been carried out for years. Precisely, Miñambres, in the formative cycle of Mechatronic —which is taught at the IES Universidad Laboral—, has been developing it since 2014 with 100% of its students, which makes it a benchmark in this training.

Andalusian FP Dual students training in a company specializing in wood. GOVERNMENT OF ANDALUSIA – ARCHIVE

“In the ten years that Dual Vocational Training has been in place, in general terms, it has only been developed in 4% of the students”, he calculates. And, as he well knows, this type of training requires a busy schedule to manage from contact with the companies collaborators such as the student follow-up method, the qualification of professionals in the companies themselves or the scholarship system.

On this last point, it has been underlined that with the new regulations students will contribute to the Social Security and they will receive a remuneration thanks to the signing of a contract with the company where they will do that training. A novelty that is not such because, as the Zamorano professor points out, since 2011 there is a royal decree for which students must be registered in the Social Security if they receive any type of remuneration while they carry out their training practices.

turn of the companies

The most important change in terms of FP Dual is perhaps in their own companies, who have seen the importance of incorporating these students into their ranks. “Before, you had to go looking for the companies and now they are the ones who go to the FP centers looking for students And they do it, in part, for sheer survival, because they have realized that they will not be able to survive without having technicians. They are aware that they have a serious problem of generational relief“, argues the professor.

Dual FP class. DOTSHOCK

And it is that the workers with more experience are retiring and there are not enough professionals who are trained technicians to cover these positions.

All these new circumstances, with the extra push of this new Vocational Training lawwill be an incentive for things to be easier and the figures in FP Dual increase exponentially with respect to the first ten years of its implementation.

active methodologies

The new Vocational Training law makes a claim in favor of active methodologies, in addition to encouraging the FP Dual. In this way, the regulations are committed to project work, leaving the traditional way of learning completely, with master classes given by teachers. A change that seems more than obvious in a type of formation that must be eminently practice.

Another novelty that emerges from reading this regulation is that the subjects known as Business and Entrepreneurial Initiative and Orientation and Labor Training They change names, although, in essence, they will have the same contents.

Among the intentions of the small changes that are proposed from the administration, the implementation of modules such as the one of digitization o Professional englishwhich is already a reality in the training cycles of some autonomous communities.

Finally, the law makes it very clear that, in general terms, the VET studies will continue to be governed by the previous 2006 lawalthough all these described details are outlined.

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