The Next Star – Special Edition 2024: Episode 17 Performance

by time news

2024-01-21 23:43:36

The 17th episode of “The Next Star – Special Edition 2024” was broadcast tonight on Beshet 12 when all nine contestants faced each other, with the contestant who received the lowest score tonight being eliminated. At the end of the broadcast, 8 contestants remained in the race for Eurovision – one of them will be the Israeli representative for Eurovision 2024.

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Or opened the evening with the song “Take Me to Church” (originally by the visitor) along with the band playing behind her. Or holds the song well, a confident, sweeping and precise voice. Another excellent performance by Or who proves throughout the season that she is a crazy singer.

Ran said: “The performance was wow. She tells a story, it’s the facial expressions, it’s the way you choose to present the text. You played her and you bring your groove. You bring yourself and you’re a crazy singer in my eyes.” Assaf thought differently: “I really like the way you sing. But, since we are looking for someone to represent Israel at Eurovision, you sang with an accent as if you were singing the song. It was already in Hebrew with most of the Israeli accent. It’s a shame you don’t continue to the next stages because we love you and build on you.”

Keren, Ran, Shiri, Itay and Aden voted in favor. Asaf – against. Or received 86%.

Shai chose to sing tonight the song “What do you want from me?” (Originally by Hanan ben Ari). Shay just makes the first sound and my whole body shivers. This is one of the most beautiful songs by Hanan Ben Ari and Shei gives it her own interpretation. Shay’s voice ranged from a caress to a scream and it was her best performance of the season so far!

Shiri said: “I’m proud of her. I was worried and hoped that she would bring her from somewhere else, and you brought her! I loved all kinds of vocal choices of yours. All kinds of places where you don’t go for the obvious and you also brought something from Shai, and today it became clearer to me who you are.” Assaf objected again this time: “I want to protest because I really liked you until now. I liked your delicacy until now, your voice, the songs you chose and how you chose to perform them – but this time I didn’t like the choice. You went against the melody of the song and chose To do something else, it was against my taste.”

Keren, Ran, Shiri, Itay and Aden voted in favor. Asaf – against. Xi got 83%.

Dor chose to surprise with the song “Am Yisrael Chai” (originally by Eyal Golan). Dor is one of the best singers this season, he has a strong and confident voice, excellent vocal precision and every curl – Ima’ala! It was amazing to see the whole audience on their feet, unleashing the enthusiasm around the important message of the song. The atmosphere in the studio was electrifying! The performance was very similar to the original performance and I really wanted Dor to bring something a little different, but even to meet Eyal Golan’s standards is an honor!

Eden said: “Me and I danced here and we were happy, the words strengthen me, make me want to get up and it seems that the audience was also in crazy energy. It was exciting, pleasant, happy. It bothered me a little that I didn’t renew anything from Eyal’s performance. But beyond that, energetic It was amazing”. Itai added: “This is a great song in my eyes. Thank you very much for this injection of joy that you brought in. There was crazy energy here.”

All judges voted in favor. Dor received 88%.

Mika chose to sing tonight the song “Baby One More Time” (originally by Britney Spears), and on the face of it the choice of this song sounds a bit strange because the song is completely different from what Mika has presented to us during the season so far, but when the song started it is clear that she took it completely in her direction. Mika is a good singer, she sings very precisely and in an intriguing way. She is not one of the great divas of the show because she has a small and precise voice, the question is whether such a voice can be suitable for Eurovision? I’m not sure.

Shiri said: “I suddenly shuddered, suddenly I was moved by a song by Britney Spears, my God. You just managed to do something that is… as if it’s yours. It was amazing. How beautiful you are and you hold the stage, and you’re young and fresh and elegant, and the audience here is swooning over you “. Keren added: “You’re climbing and climbing and right now I think you can really win the competition and represent us.”

All judges voted in favor. Mika got 94%.

Oral chose to sing “Absurd” (originally by Shlomo Artzi). Oral makes sure to bring the most “Israeli” songs to the next star stage. He is a charming singer, he has a special and intriguing voice. But we are getting closer to the end of the season and the selection of the Israeli representative for Eurovision – and the results in Eurovision are determined by the European audience, so singing them songs in such an Israeli style – it simply won’t work and we will end up outside the final! I would be very happy to hear him in the next episode with a song that might appeal a little more to the European taste.

Keren said: “We are in love. We just melted. Your beauty was even more expressed in silence. You sing even when you are silent. You are such a talented boy, you know how to deliver a text and we are completely in love with you.” Assaf said: “It’s a matter of taste. I just don’t connect with this style, it’s too mainstream, it sounds like a youth band, like ‘Kohav Nold’ season three, it just flatters me, it’s not. You have a beautiful voice but it’s really Eyes of taste”.

Keren, Ran, Shiri, Itay and Aden voted in favor. Asaf – against. Oral received 81%.

Eden performed the song “The Climb” (originally by Miley Cyrus). So… Eden is definitely a good and talented singer! But I am very, very disappointed that since Sharan told Aden that it is not appropriate to dance and sing happy songs, so she chooses to perform ballads and quiet songs. Admittedly Eden is an excellent singer, but all of her uniqueness and style is simply lost, and in my opinion, if we decided to send a ballad to Eurovision this year – then there are better singers in this program and in Eurovision itself who transmit more emotion and less “plasticity” and “popism”.

Ran said: “I think it’s both a matter of choosing a song and a matter of taste. Eden is the most suitable for Eurovision. When you think of Eurovision, of size, of presentation, of how you look, everything you bring to the stage, you are really at a very, very high level.” . Assaf added: “It was a little stressful. There was a small moment when you suddenly sang quietly and it was so beautiful. You got a blue for that.”

All judges voted in favor. Eden got 90%.

Jonathan chose to sing “Fear of God” (originally by Kfir Zfarir). Although Jonathan’s performance is very static, you can’t take your eyes off his performance. This is another good performance by Jonathan. He is an excellent singer and his combination with the team of musicians that accompanies him around the table intrigues me every time! Jonathan must move on! have to!

Assaf said: “I loved the string arrangement, I loved the beat, I loved my freedom. I loved it.” Ran, on the other hand, was less enthusiastic: “I love you very much and you are an amazing musician in my eyes, and you always do very beautiful things. But for several times now it doesn’t feel too restrained to me. Bring this performance to the end. You have it. It can be theatrical and different. I feel that you can break and it doesn’t happen.”

Keren, Shiri, Itay and Assaf voted in favor. Ran and Eden – against. Jonathan got 62%.

Leanne chose to sing the song “No one” (originally by Miri Mesika). Lian has a special voice and she always expresses the song in a very special and convincing way. She was just perfect in the high notes but it felt like she struggled a bit with the low notes of the song, but the power in her voice makes up for everything!

Ran said: “You are a wonderful singer in my eyes and throughout the season you simply pierced my heart, you were really my favorite. This performance proved two things in my eyes. One, that the choice of song is very important and this song is not for your age in my opinion. And the second thing, you are more glamorous In English in my eyes”. Shiri was not enthusiastic: “I feel like I can’t understand you. There is an amazing singer here, but I was bored. The presentation was not correct.”

Keren, Ran, Eden and I voted in favor. Assaf and Shiri – against. Leanne got 68%.

Eric chose to sing the great song “Hallelujah” (originally by Leonard Cohen). Eric explained that he was not feeling well and it was somewhat reflected in the low tones, but nevertheless Eric managed to bring his special charm when he recites the words of the song. I totally see Eric in the final – and rightfully so!

Ran said: “It was a chilling moment. I went through quite a journey here. You started this performance a bit ‘shaky’ even though your voice and Leonard’s are like a glove, but there was a moment in the middle of the performance when I saw how you fight like a tiger and how the real artist is irresistible Come out. You’re an artist, you should be here, there’s no one else like Eric in the competition, and even in Eurovision I guess there won’t be like Eric, and it will be something outside the box.” Assaf said: “It wasn’t a really strong day for you, physically. There’s nothing to be a singer, it’s first of all physiology. You can hear it in your voice. I couldn’t let such a blue performance happen.”

Keren, Ran, Shiri and I voted in favor. Assaf and Aden – against. Eric got 66%.

Jonathan Beaton, who achieved the lowest score, is eliminated from the competition at this point.

Vote for our poll: Which performance do you think was the best in the last round of performances?

Eurovision 2024: This will be Israel’s 46th participation in Eurovision. Israel joined the competition in 1973 and won it four times over the years. Israel’s last win was at Eurovision 2018 with the song “Toy” performed by the singer Neta Barzilai.

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