The Nonsense of South Africa’s Lawsuit Against Israel: A Closer Look at the Absurd Claims and Hypocrisy

by time news

The lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel is nothing less than a disgrace and a certificate of poverty for a country that itself experienced apartheid until it gained its independence. South Africa today is a country infected with corruption, a crumbling economy with the highest rates of sexual violence and crime in the world. South Africa and other countries such as Colombia and Brazil that support this bizarre claim are countries that reward and support terrorism no less.

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The nonsense of the representative of South Africa who refused to watch the horror film of the Seventh of October saying “that it is a genocide of the Palestinians” is the embodiment of audacity and brazenness. The lady does not see the hump of her government and her wet eyes show the horrors and the terrible massacre perpetrated by the Hamas organization, which also directed and filmed the acts without a human image.

In the cynical world of South Africa, things have turned upside down and the country that previously experienced apartheid rule and the severe abuse of blacks by the white government and is a signatory to the international convention against murder is today behaving exactly like the previous government that they renounced.

Israel solidarity march in The Hague (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

To understand the meaning of the burning hatred that South Africa harbors for Israel, it must be remembered that Israel also has a certain contribution to where we have arrived. Israel at the time openly supported the apartheid regime and created an enmity that grew stronger over the course of fifty years.

Despite this, Nelson Mandela, the human rights fighter who was Yasser Arafat’s best friend, visited Israel and at some point the relations between South Africa and Israel began to take a positive turn, but the South African national movement continues the line of resistance against Israel and full identification with the Palestinians.

The fact that the current president Cyril Ramaphosa surrounds himself with Muslim clerics who attack Israel in a venomous way also has a part in the obsessive hatred towards us. Ramaphosa likens Israel to the new Nazism and the workers’ organizations there support BDS.

He himself was called to power after his predecessor in office was dismissed after being accused of corruption, but the billionaire Ramaphosa also has quite a slush fund, millions of dollars of unknown origin were stolen from his estate and he refused to explain the source of the money to Ramaphosa, who has a rich record of trying to intervene in bloody conflicts in other countries and teaming up with dubious leaders accused of crimes.

For example, he is a friend of the RSF leader from Sudan, General Muhammad Dagallo, whose militiamen are accused of massacring, raping and murdering their own people in the renewed civil war in Sudan, and hosted him in his palace just a few months ago. He refused to arrest the former leader of Sudan, the dictator Omar al-Bashir, who was accused of genocide, despite the international warrant issued against him.

The head of South Africa’s intelligence services in the past, a Jew named Roni Kasrils, a KGB member in the past and a definite hater of Israel, visited Ismail Hania in Gaza and Hania was invited for an official visit to South Africa. The infrastructure for tightening relations with Hamas was already laid many years ago, but the president of South Africa took the hatred of Israel to the realms of the absurd and a desire to push Israel out of the legitimate countries while trying to label it the new Nazism.

Despite this, Israel behaved with silk gloves in this country that supports terrorism. The far-fetched indictment filed by South Africa against Israel is no less than an indictment against South Africa itself and its president, which turns a deaf ear to the crimes against humanity that have been committed and are still being committed on the Black Continent. After the swearing in October, South Africa returned the embassy staff from Israel and stated that it was “examining the continuation of relations with us “.

After the farce of submitting the complaint to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Israel should immediately sever diplomatic relations with South Africa and file a complaint against it with the International Court of Justice for supporting terrorism defined in the international convention as a crime. The fact that Hamas has already been defined as a terrorist organization will perhaps make it easier for Israel to file the lawsuit against South Africa.

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