The Nostalgic Flavor in Rosalba Di Giacomo’s Apple Pie. Review by Alessandria today

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The poem “My Baked Apple Pie” by Rosalba Di Giacomo is an affectionate reminiscence that emerges from the pages of an ancient recipe book, bringing with it not only the sweetness of apples but also the emotional weight of a past that still speaks and lives in the gestures of every day.

The simple act of baking a cake becomes a sensory journey that overcomes the barrier of time, where the scents of cinnamon and apples become vehicles of memories and emotions. The kitchen becomes a place of magic, a space where the present is inextricably intertwined with the voices of the past, and the cake resting on the rack becomes a bridge between the here and now and the fond memories of those who have left us a legacy of wisdom through the yellowed pages of a recipe book.

With narrative delicacy, Di Giacomo invites us to consider the apple pie as a symbol of a broader life lesson, underlining how sometimes, in imprecise proportions and small errors, the deepest truths can be hidden. The author suggests that if only we could correctly interpret these inherited recipes, we could find the perfect doses to face existence itself.

Published on April 19, 2024, this poem speaks to the heart with its simplicity and intimate grandeur. “My baked apple pie” is not only a tribute to the figure of the grandmother and to family continuity, but an invitation to rediscover and reconnect with the roots that define and orient us. In every piece of cake, in every aroma that spreads through the house, there is a story to listen to, a lesson to learn and a love that, like the sweet scent of apples, does not know the sunset of time.

Rosalba Di Giacomo: My baked apple pie.
I baked my cake.
Sweet scent of apples in the kitchen
and immediately got confused
with the aroma of cinnamon
and with the smell of the past.
It looks like nothing like an apple pie,
his recipe among the yellowed sheets
from grandma’s notebook
that when you scroll through it speaks to you,
suggests, rarely applauds,
often scolds
for the incorrect proportions.
There is always something inaccurate or wrong.
If you know how to read it well
maybe I would have noticed the right doses there
to live life.
Rosalba Di Giacomo
April 19, 2024

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