The nuances of racism | Artemis Diary

by time news

2023-11-15 14:07:00

What bothers them is that she is black, a friend told me recently, when reading the derogatory comments on social networks about Daniela. If she doesn’t know who I’m referring to, I’ll tell her about the Cuban soap opera The right to dreamwhose plot focuses on the adventures of a girl from the interior of the country.

Like thousands of young people, Daniela fights to conquer her dreams in Havana, while making a documentary about the 75th anniversary of the radio soap opera The right to be born. But this professional encounters too many obstacles along the way; In its wake only conflicts and fears arise or are exacerbated.

I have no idea what really happened between her and Igor, but no one deserves expressions like “she asked for it,” when referring to an alleged rape, or “she’s the worst in the world,” among other derogatory and derogatory phrases. unusual, when we have witnessed forgettable performances in the genre, or truly macabre characters, who do not know the limits of evil and attack parents and children.

Beyond the audiovisual, the rejection of the character sometimes turns into a direct attack on the actress, into hate speech, since perhaps there are people upset by the lovers who surround her and their opportunities within the radio environment.

The offenses and questions do not belong to fiction, unfortunately; At this point in “history” it is difficult to believe its origin in racial prejudices, entrenched in society in a subtle way, although always ready to emerge in key situations.

Wearing natural hair and defending that identity seems like an outdated issue, until someone points out the adjective “bad”, suggests other techniques (valid, as long as they do not harm health), they think they have the right to look over their shoulder and blame the classic catchphrase for black people: “if they don’t do it at the entrance, they do it at the exit.”

Another palpable reality is the patterns of marginality and poverty inherited in certain communities with a predominance of people of African descent, still misunderstood in all their complexity, and therefore, with few strategies for overcoming them.

On the other hand, new initiatives are needed, such as that of the Aponte Commission, of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, which carries out a program of activities in the province with children from the Ramón Mordoche Miranda primary school, in the main municipality.

The creation of the sociocultural project With everyone and for the good of all, the My race contest, a discussion about the Abakuá’s rejection of the shooting of the eight medical students, among other actions, promote inclusive education.

And the perspective could cover other aspects, maintains Yiván Cabeza Cuní, vice president of the Commission in the territory and professor at the University of Artemisa, who in his Master’s thesis defends “the debate, critical questioning and the contrast of sources on the different theories of racism”, if we look at contemporary history.

The demonstrations in favor of the Ku Klux Klan, fascism and other segregationist currents are not isolated events; Recent events confirm this. Nor is it about placing people in certain responsibilities because of their skin color, as this would lead to discrimination…, the other way around.

Every day science pronounces more and more on the term “Cuban color,” the result of intense miscegenation. It was already defined by the intellectual Fernando Martínez Heredia, National Prize for Social and Humanistic Sciences: “Racism favors the ideological needs of those who aspire to a partial return to capitalism, because it is a naturalization of inequality. The fight for the deepening of socialism in Cuba is obliged to be anti-racist.”

#nuances #racism #Artemis #Diary

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