The number of category A unemployed fell sharply by 5% in the 1st quarter

by time news

Over one year, the drop is 15.7%, according to figures published on Thursday by the Ministry of Labor.

Further decline in unemployment. The number of category A job seekers (without any activity) recorded in France (excluding Mayotte) a sharp drop of 5% in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the previous quarter, i.e. 169,100 less registered, according to figures published Thursday by the Ministry of Labour. In total, the number of category A unemployed stands at 3.193 million people, the lowest figure since 2012.

Over one year, the decline is 15.7%, or 600,000 fewer unemployed. Including reduced activity (categories B and C of Pôle Emploi), the number of job seekers fell by 2.7% in the fourth quarter (8.2% over one year) and stood at 5.533 million. , according to the Statistics Department of the Ministry of Labor (Dares).

The number of job seekers in categories B (less than 78 hours of work in the month) increased by 2.2% (+16,200) while those in category C (more than 78 hours) did not change.

«The number of unemployed job seekers continued to fall sharply in the first quarter. Our objective for the next 5 years is clear: heading for full employment!“, reacted on Twitter the Minister of Labor, Élisabeth Borne.

In category A, the number of job seekers reached its lowest level since the 2nd quarter of 2012. Including B and C, it is the lowest level since the last quarter of 2014.

SEE ALSO – Falling unemployment rate: Bruno Le Maire hails “a great French victory” (02/18/22)

Sharp decline among young people

On the long-term unemployment front, the number of job seekers registered for a year or more fell by 4.9% (-12.3% over one year) to 2.676 million (categories A, B and C).

The decline in category A is greater among young people under 25 (-10.8% in mainland France) than for the other age groups (-4.9% for 25-49 year olds and -3, 4% for those aged 50 and over). Over one year, youth unemployment will thus have fallen by more than 25%, or 125,000 fewer registered workers.

Over the quarter, entries at Pôle emploi increased (+17,300 or +3.3%), in particular entries for resignation (+9.6%) which reached their highest level since the end of 2004 and for the purpose of acting (+8.7%). The outputs are they stable.

The number of unemployed in category A is decreasing in the 13 regions of metropolitan France (between -6.4% in Normandy and -2.6% in Corsica). In the overseas departments-regions excluding Mayotte, the drop was 1.9% (between -2.4% in Martinique and +0.5% in Guyana).

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