The number two of Yolanda Díaz, a Trotskyist diplomat defending the “process”

by time news

2023-06-14 02:00:41

Augustine Santos Maraverwhose incorporation into summer announced this monday Yolanda Diazas number 2 on his list for Madrid to the general elections, who was the chief of staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel Ángel Moratinoscomes from Izquierda Unida-PCE and is a recognized Trotskyist – member of the Revolutionary Workers Party (POR) – who has published controversial articles under the pseudonym of Gustavo Buster.

«The referendum of October 1 […] will be remembered, and not only in Catalonia, as one of the most spectacular days of peaceful struggle of the population for the right to self determinationand on the other hand, also as one of the most forceful repressions of the police forces against the rights of assembly, expression and vote”, he wrote about the “process” independentista in the marxist magazine “Without permission”where he has collaborated until just a few days.

«The images of the videos broadcast are self-explanatory and do not require comments on what the Rajoy Government considers the use “proportionate, efficient and serene” of the monopoly of violence that it holds. The Civil Guard and the National Police acted as occupation forces”, he added in another article –signed with Daniel Raventós– on October 2, 2017.

Until his election to the Podemos lists, Santos Maraver, who joined the diplomatic career in 1982, he was ambassador of Spain to the UN. There he has said goodbye with some striking statements in the Decolonization Committeeappealing to the UK to face “the only negotiation real” for “full restitution» of the Spanish sovereign integrity over the Rock.

But the veteran diplomat has done so by brandishing resolutions from the time of Franco regimemaintaining the position of the dictatorship on the necessary decolonization of Gibraltar, demanding that the United Kingdom leave the area and «the eliminant» las military bases British.

Demands that the United Kingdom leave the Rock and “eliminate” the British military bases

Agustín Santos stressed that Gibraltar’s colonial situation is “directly linked to the military use by the administering power of the Non-Self-Governing Territory” [Reino Unido]. The until now ambassador made reference to the “constructive spirit that he seeks afford concrete problems, logical between two allied countries, which share so many interests such as the United Kingdom and Spain”, which “in no way affects the legitimate claim of my country to be restored in its full territorial integrity”. Since it does not prevent the recognition that London is failing the calls of the regional seminars and the Decolonization Committee in its annual conclusions, which derive from resolution 2070 (XX) of 1965 of the UNGA, in which “the two parties are invited to Start, without any delay, conversations ». Or as resolution 2231 (XXI) of 1966 and 2429 (XXIII) of 1968, which even set a date to end the condition of the Rock, have an impact: «The administering Power is requested to put an end to the colonial situation Gibraltar before October 1, 1969».

«Spain continues to be the victim of a colonial situation that seriously affects our territorial integrity and it is a hindrance contrary to international law”, he argued in the same session before Fabian Picardo, the main minister of La Roca, who summarized his position as follows: “Gibraltar belongs to the Gibraltarians, full stop.”

On the other hand, the Polisario Front will wait to find out what position Sumar and his new signing adopt and not prejudges his appointment. This was expressed by sources from the delegation in Spain of the Polisario Frontconsulted by Servimedia, about who belonged to the Moratinos team during the Zapatero government, known for his sympathy towards Morocco, contrary in principle to the commitment that all of United We Can, including Yolanda Díaz, have been expressing in favor of the self-determination from the Sahara.

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