The numbers behind the confrontation in Hapoel Tel Aviv are revealed

by time news

All about the financial conflict in Hapoel Tel Aviv with the transfer to the new hands: the Mintzberg group expects the outgoing owners to cover the Red Club’s debts until the end of the current season, while on the other hand, from the point of view of the outgoing owners, they are leaving assets in the group, including even money that should go into the club’s coffers. So what are the numbers of each side, including a comparison to Eli Taviv at the time? Everything is here later in the article.

Let’s start with the fact that Boaz Toshav, the representative of the owner (of uncle Meir), is the only one who is satisfied from the point of view of the departing owners with the transfer of ownership of the Reds to the Mintzberg group. Toshat won the whole move, he did everything behind the scenes. He did not want to see Eli Taviv return to Hapoel Tel Aviv together with the Nisanov brothers, a move that almost came to fruition, and Hapoel ended up being sold for almost nothing. A resident of Navot, and in fact put everyone to sleep.

Sharon and Itzik Nisanov (Shahar Gross)

It seems that only now that the deal has indeed been closed, the brothers Sharon and Itzik Nisanov and Zavik Greenberg realize that they have in fact given a magnificent club in Israeli football that has already brought great achievements in the past and participated in the Champions League almost for free. That’s why when a meeting was held with the outgoing owners on Thursday and they were shown that the coffers were empty, and needed to be poured in to finish the season properly, they announced: “From our point of view, we are not putting any more shekels into the team.”

The team is expected to have a deficit of about 3 million NIS for not advancing to the top playoffs, another 1.5 million NIS for the radii and another 1 million NIS in the revenue forecast from the sale of cabins. At the same time, the Mintzberg group, as we first revealed in ONE, is angry about this, and those around the group claim that according to the sales contract, if by the end of the season the coffers were in the red, the money would go to the outgoing owners and they also have to cover any losses.

According to an estimate, the Mintzberg group transferred approximately NIS 2 million to the Nisanov brothers for their share of the shares they transferred, for almost no consideration. In the meantime, the Mintzberg group still has to cover a loan taken by the previous owners and guarantors in Mizrahi Bank in the amount of about NIS 2.6 million, either they will cover it or they will take the guarantee upon themselves.

David Mintzberg (Radad Jabara)David Mintzberg (Radad Jabara)

In addition, the outgoing owners still need to receive a return of a loan they gave to the group in the amount of about NIS 2.5 million. They will receive this from the funds that the club still needs to receive for the sale of players made in installments. For Shai Elias, Hapoel BS has to pay about 700,000 NIS in July, for Raz Shlomo Maccabi Netanya has to pay another 400,000 NIS, for Doron Leidner Olympiakos has to pay Hapoel Tel Aviv about 500,000 euros And for Osher Davide, Staderat Liège has to pay another 750 thousand euros, for a total of 5.975 million NIS.

So after paying back the owner’s loan, the outgoing owners leave Hapoel Tel more than NIS 3 million, when in fact this also covers part of the debts. The outgoing owners did not do a liquidation sale and left Or Israelov, Stav Lemkin, Al Yam Kanzpolsky as assets to the club And of course Hisham Laios.

By the way, he is also a big story. Hapoel bought it from Kfar Kasem for only about 500 thousand NIS, when the Reds committed to pay 4 payments of 125 thousand NIS. All the ticket rights for the talented winger went to Hapoel Tel Aviv, with Kfar Kasem entitled to receive approximately 32.5% of a future sale to another club and any amount over NIS 500,000. The meaning? Of the 500 thousand shekels that Hapoel Tel Aviv invested in Kfar Kasem will not get to see a shekel, this is an excellent deal for the Reds.

Hisham Laios (Reuven Schwartz)Hisham Laios (Reuven Schwartz)

Because of the group’s financial situation, it still owes Kfar Kasem about NIS 60,000, which is estimated to be paid soon. Who pays them? The outgoing owners, and who will benefit from the value of their card? The Mintzberg group. According to the estimate, they can sell, If they want, of course, Laios this summer for an amount close to 2 million euros, close to 8 million shekels.

In the meantime, the feeling around the outgoing owners that they are on the bottom line has gone to waste, when the Hapoel Tel Aviv they are leaving is an organized club with a youth department among the best in Israel with quite a few assets. For comparison, Eli Taviv sold Beitar Jerusalem in August 2108 to Moshe Hogge in return for 26.5 million NIS, of which about 18 million NIS was received by Taviv, and the rest went to cover debts.

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