“The occupation will bear the consequences of the situation to which it will lead”

by time news

The Islamic Jihad terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip recently (Wednesday) issued a statement to the media in which it called for a confrontation with the Jewish visitors who come to the Temple Mount during the Independence Day celebrations.

“The Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine calls on our people to step up their vigilance and take action against the settler critics in al-Aqsa backed by the occupation government and its terrorist army in order to establish a temporary and spatial partition plan.”

The Islamic Jihad statement further stated that “the attack on the al-Aqsa Mosque blessed by settler gangs and their leaders who perform the false ceremonies in its territory is an aggression against our people and our nation, which compels us to confront any violation of the sanctity of al-Aqsa Mosque. We warn against the Zionist consequences and calls for immigration to al-Aqsa. The occupation will bear the consequences of the situation it will lead to as a result of these calls that constitute a war against our people. We will not hesitate to protect our holy places, no matter what the price. “

Statement to the Islamic Jihad Media

The Israel Police stated that “in recent days, incitement to violence has been circulated on social media, combined with many false and false publications about the Temple Mount, in order to stir up the area and incite violence and disorder. These publications are distributed, among other things, by terrorist organizations that try to use the Temple Mount and young people to serve their purposes. “

The police clarify that “these are false publications that have no grip on reality and are published in order to mislead the public, escalate and incite. It will be clarified that the wrong and ridiculous attempt to exploit the holy places for incitement and violence and to serve the purposes of terrorist organizations of any kind – will not lead to a change in reality on the ground. “

The police call on the public not to listen to Pike News and this wild incitement, which is mostly spread on social media by hostile elements and with a foreign interest.

The police also make it clear that there is no change and no change is expected in the practice that has existed for many years on the Temple Mount and the holy places in general, both in the context of Muslim prayers or visits by tourists from abroad and Israelis. “Anyone who improves the order, incites violence, riots and acts of violence of any kind – will be treated harshly and with zero tolerance. Any support, identification or activity within the framework of terrorist organizations will be handled by the security forces with determination and with all the forces and means at our disposal. ” Emphasize the police.

The Palestinian media also circulated images of “Israeli flags on an Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron in light of Israel’s independence celebrations.”

Photo: Palestinian media network – Al Meidan
Photo: Palestinian media network – Al Meidan

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