the Ocean Viking receives 20 days of immobilization in Italy

by time news

2023-11-18 17:11:14

Pair Eloi Passot

Published 43 minutes ago, Updated 39 minutes ago

The Ocean Viking, operated by the NGO SOS Méditerranée, moored at the port of Civitacecchia on July 14, 2023. ANDREAS SOLARO / AFP

The Meloni government accuses the ship of having violated new Italian regulations, by carrying out three successive rescues of 128 migrants. The NGO believes that international maritime law required it to intervene.

This is the twelfth time since January that the Italian government has immobilized a rescue ship at sea. This Wednesday, November 15, theOcean Viking , the sea rescue vessel of the NGO SOS Méditerranée, was punished with 20 days of immobilization and a fine of 3,300 euros by the Italian authorities. On the night of November 10 to 11 and during the day of the 11th, the ship carried out three rescue operations to rescue 128 migrants. The same ship had already received a 10-day detention in July for safety failures.

In accordance with the decree-law of January 2, 2023, says “Piantedosi decree» named after Giorgia Meloni, Minister of the Interior, the ships of humanitarian NGOs which rescue migrants must return to a port designated by the Italian coast guard after each rescue. After rescuing a first boat of 33 migrants off the coast of Libya, theOcean Viking received the order from the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (ITMRCC) to reach the port of Ortona, on the Adriatic coast, to disembark these people.

But in the hours that followed, the ship rescued another group of 34 migrants located in the same area. On November 11, in the afternoon, theOcean Viking once again rescued a boat in distress with 61 migrants on board in the Libyan zone. SOS Méditerranée denounces this sanction and underlines its “its indisputable legal obligation to rescue people in distress at sea» in a press release. “International law leaves no room for doubt», underlines the NGO.

The obligation to provide assistance

What is it really? International maritime law – conventions SOLAS from 1974, SAR from 1979 and Montego Bay (1982) – obliges people to come to the aid of any person in difficulty at sea, without discrimination based on nationality or status (migrant or simple navigator). The SAR Convention (for Search and rescue, search and rescue in French) of 1979 divides the international waters of the Mediterranean into several SAR zones allocated to each of the signatory States. The rescues took place in the Libyan zone, but NGOs say Libyan authorities are generally unresponsive. They then turn to the European coast guards, in this case Italian.

It is in this context that the ITMRCC indicated the port of Ortona to theOcean Viking after the first rescue. The crew then informed them of the nearby presence of a second ship in distress. “Italian ITMRCC redirected Ocean Viking to Libyan JRCC for instructions», Specifies the press release. According to the Ocean Viking’s online logbook, the Italian coast guard indicated that “If the Tripoli JRCC requests assistance from the Ocean Viking in the event of distress, the vessel will be temporarily released from its obligation to proceed to» Ortona to help them.

Without a response from the Libyan authorities, theOcean Viking then rescued the 34 migrants. “There were no signs of ongoing rescue operations. No other maritime authority has provided information or assistance, despite attempts to coordinate theOcean Viking. Thus, the crew was not released from its obligation to provide assistance, defends Luisa Albera, coordinator of search and rescue operations on board.

Meloni at war against NGOs

The third rescue took place in the afternoon of November 11, while theOcean Viking was still in the Libyan SAR zone, on the road to Ortona. This time, the Libyan coast guard reportedly responded. But “communication with JRCC in Tripoli is hampered due to language barrier», We can read in the online logbook. “The JRCC responded in Arabic, but international maritime law requires coordination centers to be able to communicate in English», explains Sophie Beau, director of SOS Méditerranée France. The crew again turned to the Italian coast guard, then intervened due to lack of instructions from them.

Elected on the promise of stopping illegal immigration, the president of the Italian council Giorgia Meloni strives to hinder the boats of relief NGOs in the Mediterranean, which she described as “pirate ships complicit with smugglers“. The “Piantedosi” decree is one of the measures taken against them, but its compatibility with international maritime law raises questions in this type of situation. Requested by Le Figarothe Italian Interior Ministry did not respond to our requests.

Italy is facing an unprecedented wave of arrivals. Nearly 150,000 migrants have arrived on Italian shores since January, compared to nearly 95,000 over the same period last year, according to figures from the Italian Interior Ministry. Only 5% of them were collected by NGO ships before setting foot in Italy, according to Defense Minister Meloni. It recently announced an agreement with Albania to open two reception centers intended solely for migrants rescued at sea by the Italian authorities. This is where asylum requests would be processed, with the aim of preventing migrants from remaining clandestinely in Italy once rejected.

#Ocean #Viking #receives #days #immobilization #Italy

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