The Office of the President: “The ruling party should not interfere with cabinet appointments either”… Pro-Korea faction Cho Kyu-hong and Park Min-soo draw the line for dismissal

by times news cr

Han Dong-hoon: “Public officials should refrain from misunderstandings about their words and actions”
Choo Kyung-ho: “Raising the issue of personnel is inappropriate”

As calls for the dismissal of Minister of Health and Welfare Cho Kyu-hong and Second Vice Minister of Welfare Park Min-soo (pictured) continued, centered around the pro-Korea (pro-Han Dong-hoon) faction within the ruling party, to hold them responsible for the emergency medical service vacuum, the Blue House drew the line on the 6th, saying, “We are not reviewing it.”

A senior official at the Blue House said in a phone call that day, “Just as the president never gets involved in party personnel appointments, the party’s position is that it should not get involved in cabinet appointments, which is the president’s exclusive authority,” adding, “Replacing or retaining the government entity involved in parliamentary dialogue is solely the government’s responsibility.”

People Power Party floor leader Choo Kyung-ho, who is classified as pro-Yoon (pro-Yoon Seok-yeol), also supported the Blue House’s position by saying, “It is inappropriate to discuss personnel issues at this time.” After the meeting, floor leader Choo met with reporters and said, “It seems that some within the party have brought up personnel issues because they feel regretful that some high-ranking officials are somewhat lacking in communication with the press and the public,” but added, “Now, the medical reform push must proceed without wavering.”

On the other hand, a representative pointed out at the Korea Christian Church Hall in Jongno-gu, Seoul, where he visited to prevent religious circles, “Public officials with important duties should refrain from words and actions that may worry or mislead the public.” He criticized Vice Minister Park for causing controversy when he said on the 4th, “The fact that I can call and find out is itself a mild case,” when asked how patients or guardians determine whether the case is mild. People Power Party lawmaker Kim Jae-seop also said, “The first key to (resolving) the political conflict is the dismissal of Vice Minister Park.”

The Democratic Party of Korea also demanded dismissal. Representative Lee Jae-myung said, “The Minister and Vice Minister (of Health and Welfare) must be held accountable,” and the Democratic Party’s Special Committee on Medical Disaster Countermeasures also released a statement that day, saying, “We demand the dismissal and accountability of those responsible, including Minister Cho and Vice Minister Park, who caused the medical crisis by pushing ahead with hasty policies.”

Reporter Choi Hye-ryeong [email protected]
Reporter Shin Na-ri [email protected]

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2024-09-07 04:53:36

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