The officer who accidentally shot to death the two company commanders will be summoned for questioning

by time news

An IDF officer, who accidentally shot to death Major Major Ofek Aharon and Major Itamar Elharar, will be questioned next week by the IDF. The officer, a team commander in the Walnut unit, is expected to deliver his version as early as this coming Sunday.

At the same time, a committee of experts headed by Maj. Gen. Noam Tibon has already begun an operational investigation into the incident. General Tibon has already received a briefing from the Chief of Staff on the incident. It was also decided that at the beginning of next week there will be a “General Staff Detention Day” in the army that will deal with safety issues and training accidents.

Already yesterday, the Commander-in-Chief of the Central Command, Major General Yehuda Fox, provided details about the difficult incident: “Instruct the fighters to be vigilant, adhere to safety and security instructions, and send the soldiers to sleep.”

“Two uncoordinated forces leave the encampment, one of the team commander with night-vision equipment and his weapon, who goes to the area to look for suspects in stealing the night-vision device. The thief and shed light on the incident. ”

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He added that “the two forces did not know about each other. There were thefts in the space. They thought the thieves would come again after the training and decided to go out to perform the scans quietly and hoped to catch him.”

About 200 yards away the force of the four identifies a suspicious figure in the area of ​​one of the ranges, and advances toward it. At the same time, the lone officer thinks he has just gone up and sees nothing and his alertness goes down. Then he hears a noise from the range behind him, he turns around and they bump into each other. He is convinced that there is an enemy in front of him with weapons and they are convinced that he is also an enemy and fire is opened from a very short range of 10-15 meters. “


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