The ombudsman: It is appropriate to approve the agreement in the Knesset

by time news

United States President Joe Biden spoke last night (Tuesday) with Prime Minister Yair Lapid and congratulated him on the maritime border agreement reached with Lebanon. In a tweet on his Twitter account tonight, the American president said that he spoke with Lapid and Lebanese President Michel Aon and congratulated them “on the groundbreaking agreement to establish the maritime border for the first time between Israel and Lebanon.” He later said that he was proud that the American government brokered an agreement that would be “an anchor for regional stability and prosperity.”

American Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken also welcomed the agreement and said that “it is now essential that both sides quickly conclude the agreement and meet their commitments to work together to implement it for the benefit of the region and the entire world.” In a statement issued by the Foreign Minister following the reaching of the agreement between Israel and Lebanon, he said that it was a “historic agreement” and that the breakthrough achieved “opens a new era of prosperity and stability in the Middle East.” The agreement, according to Blinken, “protects the security and economic interests of Israel and Lebanon and marks the opening of a new chapter for the residents of the region.”

In the background, Legal Advisor to the Government Gali Beharev Miara published her opinion last night regarding the approval of the maritime border agreement with Lebanon. In the opinion, the ombudsman clarified that there should be a discussion on whether to vote on the agreement in the Knesset, but there is no obligation to do so. However, due to the proximity of the election date, it is appropriate for the government to act in this manner.

The main points of the agreement with Lebanon deal with the recognition of the buoyed line as the status quo, the basing of the sea line on line 23 and the transfer of financial compensation to Israel from the revenues of the Sidon reservoir. The Speaker of the Knesset, Miki Levy, announced this evening that he allows the agreement to be placed on the Knesset table tomorrow in the plenary. The placing of the agreement will allow the members of the Knesset to review its details as soon as possible immediately after the discussion that will be held in the government.

At the same time as the agreement, it was announced that Israel will receive a letter of guarantees from the American government, clarifying that the US is committed to the country’s security and economic rights, in a scenario where Hezbollah or another party decides to challenge the agreement that was signed.

At the basis of the letter there are guarantees for the line of defense as Israel’s line of defense, and the maintenance of its economic rights in the Sidon reservoir, located in Lebanese waters. In addition, revenues from the reservoir will be prevented from reaching Hezbollah, in accordance with the existing sanctions regime in the US.

The official informed of the details of the agreement said that the achievements that the agreement brings are many: the main one is a historic agreement with the state of Lebanon that safeguards Israel’s security interests, and will bring with it regional strategic stability, which will come with the fact that a rig will also be built in Lebanon. In addition, the agreement reduces Lebanon’s dependence on Iran and Hezbollah and will contribute to its stability, due to the fact that the money will not be transferred to the terrorist organization. Apart from that, Israel’s economic interests are being protected, by receiving royalties from the Sidon reservoir when it produces gas and even before that, as this depends on the agreement between Israel and the developing company.

A senior American official says that during President Biden’s conversation with Prime Minister Lapid and Lebanese President Aoun, it was clear that both sides do not want escalation. According to him, this is what the agreement achieves – conflict prevention. This is also an incentive for both sides to develop the things that are important to them. In response to a question Here is news regarding Netanyahu’s statements, he said that contrary to what politicians say, the agreement will provide security for both countries.

In addition, the assessment in Israel is that there will be a signing ceremony, most likely in Nakura, but in the capacity of professional figures only. Apart from that, today we reported that according to an Israeli source, Qatar was also involved in contacts and talks on the way to an agreement.

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