The Omicron strain is transient, but what is happening in hotels in Israel?

by time news

The tourism industry in Israel is having a hard time recovering from the corona crisis, when even last January – occupancy was only 29% in hotels in Israel, compared to 56% in January 2019. However, the number of rooms increased: hotels in Israel number about 57,000 rooms, an increase of 4% Compared to 2019

The tourism industry in Israel is having a hard time recovering from the corona crisis, when even last January – occupancy was only 29% in hotels in Israel, compared to 56% in January 2019, before the outbreak of the virus. The total number of person-nights reached only 0.8 million person-nights, compared to 1.6 million in January 2019.

According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics published today (Thursday), 91% of overnight stays in January 2022 were Israeli overnight stays. The highest occupancy was recorded in Eilat (44%). In other tourist cities, occupancy ranges from 19% to 39%.

Although national occupancy has decreased compared to 2019, the number of rooms has increased: according to data from the Hotels Association, hotels in Israel number about 57,000 rooms, an increase of 4% compared to 2019.

In a national division, Eilat hotels number about 11,000 rooms – a number similar to Jerusalem (east and west of the city). Tel Aviv hotels have 9,655 rooms – a growth of 13% compared to January 2019. There is also an increase in the number of rooms (7%) in the hotels in Tiberias and around the Sea of ​​Galilee, with about 5,800 rooms (most of them in Tiberias).

And there is also a decrease in the number of rooms: Netanya hotels as of January number about 1,500 rooms, which reflects a decrease of 8%.

The CBS report also listed the occupancy data in hotels since the outbreak of the corona virus in Israel:

• In March 2020, with the outbreak of the corona virus in Israel, there was a sharp decrease in room occupancy, and it reached only 22% (72% in March 2019).

• In April-May 2020 (during the first closure period) hotel activity was almost nil.

• In the summer months of June-August 2020, although Israel’s international borders were still closed, there was a recovery thanks to the contribution of domestic tourism. 98% of the overnight stays in these months were of Israeli guests.

• In mid-September 2020 with the announcement of the second closure on New Year’s Eve, domestic tourism was also stopped. The number of hotel nights in September amounted to 0.7 million (2.2 million in September 2019).

• In October 2020, following the second closure, zero data was recorded in hotels.

• In November-December 2020 – from the second half of November, the opening of hotels in Eilat and the Dead Sea for vacationers was approved under the “Green Islands” Law. The number of person-nights in these months amounted to 0.6 million person-nights. The hotels in the rest of the places operated on a limited basis of renting rooms only.

• In January-February 2021, following the third closure and the complete closure of Israel’s international borders, almost zero data were recorded in hotels.

• In March-May 2021, a large number of hotels opened and there was a recovery in Israeli overnight stays: the number recorded in these three months (3.2 million) is greater than that recorded in those months in 2019 (3.1 million). With the exception of organized groups of vaccinated tourists and tourists with special permits, the international borders remained closed during these months and only 84,000 tourist overnight stays were registered in hotels (3.5 million in March-May 2019). The average room occupancy reached 26% in March and 37% in April. Despite the “Wall Guard” operation that took place between May 10 and 21, the average room occupancy in May reached 38%.

• In June-December 2021, a particularly high number of Israeli person-nights were recorded – 11.3 million person-nights (9.0 million in June-December 2019).
The number of tourist overnight stays in June-December was one-tenth of their number in 2019: 0.7 million in 2021 compared to 7.0 million in 2019.

• In January 2022, 765,000 Israeli person-nights were recorded (805,000 in January 2019). Israel’s international borders remain closed. Only 72,000 tourist overnight stays were registered in hotels (798,000 in January 2019).

• Room occupancy in January 2022 reached 29%. The highest occupancy was recorded in Eilat (44%). In other tourist cities, occupancy ranges from 19% to 39%.

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