The only area where the government is able to respond to the hi-tech rush is legislation

by time news

The State of Israel faces three fateful arenas. Politically on the fate of democracy, security-wise on the management of threats and risks, and economically on its resilience and development. The general direction is the end of democracy while conducting unnecessary military wars, which take an unnecessary toll and becoming a third world country due to economic collapse.

Did I exaggerate? There are clear signs of an increase in identity civil war in the Jewish sector, there is violent friction with the Arab sector in Israel and the West Bank, and in Gaza there is the potential to transition from an intifada that can be contained to a high-intensity flare-up including Hezbollah.

I don’t know when all this good will come together to be the perfect storm, the one after which the country we barely know today will cease to exist. I know for sure that this could happen for a simple reason: the government moves forward with all these decrees as if it has no idea what it is about, and the bitter truth is that it turns out that it really has no idea.

Last week, as part of the protest movement, the economic issue floated as having a chance to stop the moves of the messianic dictatorship. You don’t have to be Paul Krugman or Guy Rolnick to spot the icebergs pointed out by hundreds of economists. But the tip of this iceberg did not make an impression on the celebrants on the roof of the world in Captain Binyamin Netanyahu’s Titanic.

Since the Jews, as we know, only understand money and power, some visionary unicorn high-techists arose, decided to exercise their power and transferred their money, the money of their investors and their engines of growth abroad. To avoid paying taxes because of the “legal reform”, which is a code name for the religious revolution. “I have paid hundreds of millions in taxes in society,” Livna said, “and my way is to simply leave the country and stop being residents of Israel.”

He is not the only one. Several other sharks have liquidated their businesses in Israel. Their investors, from abroad, are not ready to put their money on the Israel Deer Fund, yours knows when it will run away and where. They say they are few, but no one really knows how much they do and run away quietly. After all, it is not just them, but also citizens who say “Fuck ” and pack the house.

And yet, the story is not only about the flight of money and brains, but about those who are supposed to understand that this is the case and deny it. The Minister of Finance for example. Bezalel Smotrich is a religious brat whose head and heart are in settlements and religion. As an agile intellectual, he has the ability to take resounding steps in economic issues that he can touch with his own hands, such as gas and grocery prices, but what about the broad and underground contexts of the economy?

When the token fell on him and the results of the high-tech protest became clear to him, he turned from a firm leader in the name of God into a sheep that flocked on Twitter to that Tom Birkena: “We are brothers,” tweeted Smotrich, “I hope you will come back. We don’t have another country and another people and another country. In any case , promise to keep Israel Jewish and democratic, strong and economically prosperous, with God’s help, so that you and every Jew will always have a home to return to.”

This patronage is due to the fact that more than Smotrich is Netanyahu’s finance minister, Netanyahu is prime minister by the grace of Smotrich. Later, Smotrich asked Livna to come to him for a meeting so that they could talk like a lost brother to a working brother. Each of them of course believes that the other is the lost brother. Later they met. Smotrich claims that it was an excellent meeting. Birch is silent and does: move the company out. So?

State bankruptcy

Prime Minister Netanyahu flew to France and it became clear to him that “Macron does not understand the impact of the reform” as echoed word for word by Shofer on Channel 12. On the way he recruited “French billionaires” hungry to invest in Israel. This is the initiative of one person, Meir Habib, a member of the French House of Representatives who was dismissed due to election fraud, supports Netanyahu in a variety of ways and is his candidate for the position of Israel’s ambassador to France. The aforementioned brought together several small business owners, and this bluff blew right away. Like that?

Netanyahu stands, half his butt on his desk, removes his glasses (in a staged video) and haughtily broadcasts: “Israel’s economy was strong and will be even stronger.” Later, a financial paper from JP Morgan, a serious investment bank, is fabricated, and here too the bluff is exposed. So? Netanyahu operates a mast parrot. “By the way”, writes colleague Amit Segal (Segal’s technique of “by the way” is supposed to create the impression as if this is a trivial and obvious fact, like that by the way, you know that…).

“The Morgan report,” continues Segal, “recommends buying Israeli government bonds… The report is particularly concerned with the reactions to the reform, not necessarily with the reform itself.” A real expert under the cover name BLACK tweeted in response: “Dear colleague Segal, the report does not recommend buying Israeli government bonds. Rather, it refers to Interest Rate Swap. It is a derivative on interest rates and not a government bond. This asset is ‘produced’ by the bank’s desk (I trade derivatives on it), and has nothing to do with the government. Shabbat Shalom and a pleasant revolution.”

I did not understand anything. Neither does Segal.

The only area where the government is able to respond to the hi-tech rush is legislation. Dictatorships usually enact laws prohibiting capital spending under the pretext of harming the economy. Jews in dictatorial countries have a tradition of smuggling wealth – starting with diamonds in the rectum and ending with valuable stamps in book covers.

The State of Israel regularly and secretly helped the Jews to smuggle their wealth out of countries like Argentina, Russia, South Africa and more. It is true that conditions have changed, the world is more open and accessible, and still, the government has the ability to prevent capital flight through shaming and sanctions. From then on it is about the determination of the high-tech rebels against the government’s frenzy of destruction.

Zvi Stepak, a financial shark, believes that decreases in bonds will make the government’s debt raising more expensive. In the background we hear that there is a problem with the credit rating companies. Economic ignoramuses like me hear “credit rating” and only know that it is the ability of the State of Israel to repay debts in foreign currency. I have no An idea of ​​how much and why, and if Israel can or not, and to what extent it affects the functioning of the state.

When I read these warnings, all I can say is FUCK! To the financial moron (that’s me) this whole business sounds like the prospect of state bankruptcy. A quick search reveals that there are about 15 countries of this type in the world. Welcome to the Club with Russia, Lebanon, Syria, Argentina, Ghana and Egypt, most of them in the third world.

We are not there yet and we already have a common interest: all those bankrupt countries are corrupt countries. The ruling, political class and its economic fringes live in eye-popping comfort, and the people eat shit. In this respect, we are already in a company that deserves us and we deserve them.

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