The “Open Cardiology” initiative is launched, free consultations on the toll-free number 800 05 22 33-

by time news
from Health editorial staff

The importance of prevention after two years of reduced or missed checks: cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death and the numbers will get worse. Problems are reported in one in eight former patients due to Covid

Come back from 14 to 20 February the national initiative “Open Cardiology”now in its sixteenth edition, which due to the pandemic spread from Covid-19, will take place with a different format: the toll-free number 800 05 22 33 will be dedicated to citizens who can call for free, every day from 10 to 12 and from 14 to 16and ask questions on problems related to heart disease, which will be answered by over 660 ANMCO Cardiologists from the Structures participating in the initiative, with more than 1500 hours of free cardiology consultancy.

The importance of prevention

The campaign is promoted by ANMCO Italian Hospital Cardiologists Foundation for Your Heart: “Cardiovascular diseases represent one of the most important public health problems, since they are among the main causes of morbidity, disability and mortality – underlines Professor Michele Gulizia, President of the Foundation for Your Heart of ANMCO and Director of Cardiology of the “Garibaldi-Nesima” Hospital of Catania -. After the turnaround caused by Covid compared to the progress of recent decades, a sharp increase in deaths from cardiovascular causes is expected in the world, which are estimated to reach 24 million in 2030, more than 66,000 on average per day. The pandemic had an aggravating effect on the hearts of citizens in several respects: Sars-CoV-2, in addition to worsening previous conditions of heart disease or heart failure, in some individuals it had negative effects on the cardiovascular system, triggering serious problems, such as arrhythmias and decompensation, in some cases persisting even after recovery from the virus “.

Focus on women

Cardiovascular diseases, in fact, still represent the leading cause of death in the world today, with 18.5 million lives lost every year. In Italy they are responsible for 34.8% of all deaths, both for men (31.7%) and for women (37.7%), with 230 thousand deaths each year certified by ISTAT. These numbers are expected to increase due to the lack of controls. ANMCO recalls the importance of prevention also for women: “If in childbearing age they are helped by hormonal protection, after menopause they are affected by cardiovascular diseases even more than men – Galicia recalls -, although generally the clinical picture is less evident, with pain absent or localized elsewhere. This does nothing but confuse the symptoms with other pathologies, often leading women to go to hospital later than men, and often with worse consequences ». This is why it becomes important to know the signals to be intercepted in time.

The Campaign for Your Heart 2022 will also be active on social networks with the hashtag #ascoltiamoiltuocuore and #cardiologieaperte.

February 14, 2022 (change February 14, 2022 | 09:39)

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