The opening of an investigation against Damien Abad weakens his position within the government

by time news

For more than a month, the question of maintaining the Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Disabled People, Damien Abad, in the government has arisen, with the multiplication of accusations of rape, attempted rape and sexual assault against him. . The file took on thickness after the announcement of the opening of an investigation by the Paris prosecutor’s office, Wednesday, June 29, on the basis of a complaint filed Monday by a woman for an attempted rape dating back to 2010 .

According to her story, this woman, the third to claim to be a victim of sexual assault, was then responsible within the youth movement of the New Center, chaired by Damien Abad. During a festive evening, he would have tried to isolate her in a room and then to force her to perform oral sex, forcing her to struggle to escape his grip. Facts that the chosen one denies in block. His advice, Benoît Chabert and Jacqueline Laffont, ensure that the investigation should allow their client, who has filed a complaint in turn, Thursday, June 30, for “slanderous denunciation”, of “quickly demonstrate his innocence”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The Damien Abad affair once again puts Emmanuel Macron on the defensive

After initially asserting that Mr. Abad did not know this elected official, they explain that “ overlaps » finally allowed him to “identify”. A “evolution in his declarations” pointed out by the plaintiff’s lawyer, Ms.e Raphaële Bialkiewicz. For her, the opening of this investigation is a “very good signal for the victims”which shows that“You have to speak up and not be intimidated”. She assures that her client has “faith in justice” et invite “any person who has been a victim or witness to contact” with the Paris prosecutor’s office. In the other two cases, there is no ongoing investigation at this stage.

“We have to end it”

The acceleration of the file could compromise the future in government of the former member of the Les Républicains party. “If we listen to Borne, he must resign! »estimated the president of the group La France insoumise at the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, on Sud Radio, recalling the words of the Prime Minister, on May 22: “I can assure you that if there are new elements, if justice is again seized, we will draw all the consequences of this decision. »

Read also: Damien Abad “contests with the greatest force” accusations of rape, Elisabeth Borne affirms that “there can be no impunity”

An article from Paris Matchpublished on June 23, reports that, ” in private “, Mme Borne “compares him to a ball and chain, hoping that he will resign on his own, for the sake of the collective”. Words confirmed at Monde by an executive adviser, who raised the subject with the Matignon tenant. As a government reshuffle looms for early July, Mme Borne, who said when he was appointed that he wanted to erect “the fight for the place of women in our society”now let it be known in private that she wishes to take this opportunity to separate from Damien Abad, accusing him of having complicated his first steps at Matignon.

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