The opponents of the reform started a march to Jerusalem; Clashes between protesters and the police throughout the country

by time news

2023-07-18 22:16:01

Last update: 18.07.2023 | 23:16

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The protest against the legal reform resumed yesterday (Tuesday) on a national day of disruption, which began in the early hours and continued until the night, in a series of centers across the country. The demonstrations were held in response to the progress of the bill to abolish the reason for reasonableness, which should reach the Knesset plenum this week. The protestors blocked roads and highways from the early hours of the morning until the hours of the night, when the protest focused on the train stations throughout the country.

The police informed that by 22:00 46 protesters were arrested across the country. During the night, a march began from Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv to the Knesset, located on Kaplan Street in Jerusalem. The march is led by one of the leaders of the protest, Prof. Shakma Bressler, and its first stop was Ariel Sharon Park, from which they left this morning for about 15 more kilometers of march on the way to Jerusalem.

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The entrance to the Kirya in Tel Aviv was blocked

Highway 6 in the area of ​​the Elikim Interchange, which was blocked, has been opened to traffic

The police informed that Highway 6 at the Elikim Interchange, which was blocked by the protesters, has been opened to traffic.

A scooter driver was detained for questioning on suspicion of assaulting her during a protest at Hafil intersection in Tel Aviv

Hundreds of protesters march on road 531 Ra’anana-Herzliya

Demonstrators unfurled a flag on Route 531 at the Ra’anana-Herzliya interchange (Photo: Raya Barkan)

A protester was injured by a car near Ra’anana

A protester who got down to the road was run over and injured on road 531 near Ra’anana. She was rushed to the trauma room at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva.

Police spokeswoman: All intercity roads have been opened to traffic

Police spokeswoman: All intercity roads have been opened to traffic.

The Israel Police will continue to allow freedom of expression and protest within the limits of the law, but will not allow the violation of public order, the disruption of traffic regulations and the risk of all road users.

The police: the incident near Netanya was a car accident; The offending driver was detained for questioning

The police detained for questioning the driver of a vehicle who allegedly hit the driver of another vehicle when she got out of the vehicle onto the road near Ra’anana on Route 531.

The injured woman, about 40 years old, was rushed to the trauma room at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva with multiple systemic injuries.

The traffic examiners collect findings at the scene to examine the circumstances of the traffic accident.

The police arrested 19 protesters by 12:00

According to the police announcement, 19 suspects have been arrested so far during the violations, including 14 in the Central District, 3 in the Tel Aviv District, and 2 in the Coast District.

The condition of the injured in the road accident near Netanya is serious but stable; There is no danger to her life

The woman injured in the road accident near Netanya was transferred to the intensive care unit at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva. Her condition is defined as stable but serious, and she suffers from bruises and fractures in various parts of her body. There is currently no danger to her life.

The Medical Association will hold a protest strike tomorrow morning

The leadership of the Medical Association decided this morning (Tuesday) on a protest strike that will take place tomorrow from 8:30 to 10:30. As part of the strike, information sessions will be held between 8:30 and 9:30. The Medical Association announced that it will do everything to prevent harm to the patient population.

Gallant: “The IDF is the protective tool that gives life to the State of Israel”

The Minister of Defense, Yoav Galant: “Just as the Army and the General Staff need all the soldiers in the company and battalion, so I, as the Minister of Defense of the State of Israel, need the entire IDF, the entire Shin Bet, the entire Mossad – all the people in them, from all over the public, in order to succeed in the complex task of protecting the State of Israel and the lives of its citizens. The IDF is the protective tool that gives life to the State of Israel. We must keep it united and not allow extreme statements that harm the IDF, from any side and leave the Israel Defense Forces, its commanders and its soldiers who make a holy queen out of any dispute.’

Dozens of protesters arrived at the Peace Station in Tel Aviv, the police prevented them from blocking the tracks

Police officers block protesters against the legal revolution from going down to the platforms on the Peace Train in Tel Aviv. At the same time, in Lod, protesters were blocked from entering the station itself.

Israel Railways: train traffic runs as a series, the delays are the result of busy platforms

Israel Railways: train traffic as a series at the moment. Minor delays Trains slow down in a planned way when entering stations as part of a safety procedure on busy platforms.

The police: 8 protesters were arrested in Tel Aviv after they tried to block the Ayalon routes

8 suspects were arrested after they tried to get down to Route 20 South south of the Peace Interchange. Earlier, the police informed that 28 protesters were arrested during the day.

Train traffic was stopped throughout the country due to a computer malfunction

Due to a computer malfunction in the train systems, train traffic was temporarily stopped. Israel Railways is working to restore traffic to normal.

Israel Railways: The computer glitch has been fixed, train traffic is gradually resuming

The computer fault has been fixed and train traffic is gradually returning to normal. In the coming hours, there may still be some delays in train traffic.

Due to the protest: road number 4 was blocked to the north in the Rupin junction area

The Israel Police informs that Highway 4 has been blocked for vehicle traffic in the area of ​​the Rupin intersection heading north. Drivers are asked to take alternative routes.

A shakeup in the IDF: 160 senior officers in the Air Force announced an immediate termination of service

160 officers at the control headquarters of the Air Force informed their commanders that they are ceasing to serve as of today in protest of the continuation of the legal reform legislation.

The police: 45 demonstrators were arrested since the morning in protests across the country

The police update that as of 20:00, 45 demonstrators were arrested during the protests against the legal reform throughout the country.

Sderot Reger in Be’er Sheva was blocked to traffic in both directions due to a demonstration against the reform

The traffic police announced that due to a demonstration against the legal reform in Be’er Sheva, Yitzhak Reger Boulevard in the city was blocked to vehicle traffic in both directions.

The Horev intersection in Haifa was blocked to traffic because of a demonstration against the legal reform

The protesters blocked the Horev intersection in Haifa. demonstrates that apparently the lighting of the flare was stopped by the police.

Highway 65 is blocked to traffic in both directions near the Karkur intersection

Highway 65 was blocked near the Karkur intersection in both directions due to a demonstration taking place there. Police forces are working to open the road and evacuate the protesters using dispersal measures.

The protest at the Karkur junction: a protester slipped and was injured due to the use of an olive mace, 10 were arrested

The police arrested at least ten protesters at the Karkur junction on suspicion of disorderly conduct. One protester was injured after slipping on the wet road, the MDA team evacuated her for medical treatment.

Minister Ben Gvir arrived at the protest center in Ayalon lanes in Tel Aviv

The Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, came to tour the epicenter of the protests in Tel Aviv, where the Ayalon routes and the streets leading to them are being blocked.

The doctors in the hospitals held protest meetings, but the health system operated as usual. “Any doctor who chooses to take part in the social and public protest will be allowed to do so in coordination with his direct supervisor,” wrote the chairman of the Histadrut Medical Association Prof. Zion Hagi to the doctors and physicians. , in the patients or the medical teams”.

Demonstrators against the legal reform in Be’er Sheva (Photo: Tania Zion-Valdax)

Already at 6:30 a.m., a gathering began in Tel Aviv’s Hamima Square for a march that will split into several roads in the city. At 7:00 a.m. extensive roadblocks began on a number of roads, intersections and hubs across the country.

At 4:00 p.m., disruptions to train traffic began, which the masterminds tried to do by blocking the roads and creating congestion at the stations, and starting at 7:00 p.m., the protesters returned to the main protest centers from the past months in the cities and intersections.

Kaplan Force held a briefing for the activists, in which it was stated: “We are in dramatic days and historic moments. Faced with a government that has gone off the rails and is rushing to dismantle democracy, there are only us, the citizens, who can stop the dictatorship train. That is why we will arrive en masse tomorrow at 4:30 p.m., to protest Legal, democratic, stubborn, and effective at the platforms of five stations of the Israel Railways: Haifa, Center of the Eight, Binyamina, Herzliya, Tel Aviv HaShalom, and Lod station. The sights of the demonstration on the train, like in Israel, frighten the government. They symbolize that the citizens are the sovereign, and that Israel is a country of the people and not of the dictatorship. The demonstrations on the train take place under a roof, and there are drink machines and a pleasant breeze, so all you need to bring is the Israeli flag, the protest shirt, the drum and the litter, and simply purchase the cheapest ticket and go down to the train platform and shout that the dictatorship will not be allowed to pass. It is recommended to have earplugs as well.”

The high-tech protest headquarters announced in advance of the day of resistance that “the attempted coup caused enormous damage to high-tech and the Israeli economy. All of us, all citizens of Israel, for or against, have paid and will continue to pay tens of thousands of shekels out of our pockets because of the power intoxication of the government ministers and the one who heads it. The fragrance of the messianic dictatorship that is already being built here It is felt in the air in various decisions on the part of the government. Israeli high-tech – companies and workers are mobilized in the days close to the deadline – defense of Israeli democracy.”

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