The Order of Physicians wants to “sort out” in “unconventional” medicines

by time news

2023-07-25 18:15:00

“Reports for therapeutic abuses are becoming increasingly important news”, writes the National Council of the Order of Physicians (CNOM) in the introduction to a report published on June 27, 2023. This text, entitled “Unconventional care practices and their abuses”, aims to better regulate “alternative medicines”, “with the sole aim of being able to give patients sufficiently informed information so that they can better control the management of their health. Between justified arguments and authoritarian hypocrisy, should we speak of benevolence or crusade?

From osteopathy to naturopathy, via hypnosis or even fasting, forms of medicine other than the so-called “conventional medicine” have made a place for themselves in society in recent years. According to rapport, this phenomenon can be explained by both “the shortage of care, the influence of the health crisis, the organic movement and the offer of well-being/personal development training”. The Order sees this as a danger to patients. Thus, its objective is to “sort out practices that are dangerous to the health of patients and those that may be of interest in supporting the patient, and restrict them to the sole area of ​​well-being. »

Definitions of “unconventional care practices”

What are we talking about exactly? “Unconventional Care Practices” (ANCP) happily encompass any form of medicine that has not been sifted through the Canadian process of “Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)”, aka evidence-based medicine, “conventional medicine”. The latter is essentially based on research data (randomized trials, case studies, level of evidence, etc.) in order to reduce the doctor’s subjectivity as much as possible. In other words – this is the main criticism leveled at this model, the medical art based on the doctor-patient relationship, as well as the very intelligence of the doctor, are ostracized in favor of pure statistics resulting from experimentation. Today, this is the largely majority model in the West.

To this, the Ministry of Health adds that “the PSNC have in common that they are neither recognized, scientifically, by conventional medicine, nor taught during the initial training of health professionals. »

Thus, the Order’s report lists the following PSNCs:


In the batch, some are very little known (family constellations or Bach flowers), others are widely spread (hypnosis or osteopathy). Be that as it may, the Order of Physicians considers that they must be better defined, starting with the very term “medicine”. The report recommends modifying the law so that this term is protected, in the same way as that of “doctor”, so that everyone cannot declare that they practice a “medicine” activity.

In the same spirit, the report stresses that the term “Doctor” should necessarily be followed by the science in which the thesis was defended, so that a doctor of law cannot present himself as “Doctor practicing Chinese medicine”, for example.

From “well-being” to “sectarian drift”

The Order of Physicians recognizes that “certain NHPs have already been integrated for several years in certain therapeutic approaches”, particularly in oncology. Nevertheless, the report limits their role to “empowerment” for the patient, only complementary to a specific and recognized treatment.

In summary, “if in many cancer care centers supportive care has found its place and improves the quality of life of patients, it must be remembered that it does not provide treatment. They are therefore relegated to “well-being”, while being particularly dangerous. And for good reason !

The report distinguishes three drifts caused by the practice of these medicines: illegal exercise, therapeutic abuses and sectarian abuses.

If the first point seems obvious to detect, since it is based on the diplomas and rights of the practitioner, the other two are based more on the subjectivity of the doctor and his patient, or those who supervise them. The report explains that a “NCSP becomes therapeutic drift when it endangers patients, because it is not scientifically validated and/or it is proposed as a replacement for conventional medicine. The Order seems to start from the principle that the aforementioned PSNC is dangerous because “not validated”; it seems almost ridiculous whether in finethe treatment cured or not.

Then, the report warns: “As soon as these “therapies” seek to make the patient adhere to a new mode of thought or belief, one must be wary, because the indoctrination happens gradually. And to add: “Today, health and well-being constitute the first area of ​​risk of sectarian aberrations. »

It is difficult to prove them wrong on this point, as we realized, during the Covid-19 health crisis, how much health could be a lever of fear and coercion. The first doses of vaccine were also administered when the latter only benefited from a conditional marketing authorization, without having completed all the tests usually necessary for “Evidence-Based Medicine”. Those who refused them were ostracized by society. Is it fair, then, to speak of therapeutic excesses or sectarian excesses? For more than two years, the medical profession itself was torn over these questions. Recognized teachers such as Pr Raoultthe Professor Perronne or even the Prof. Trouillaswere set on fire by the Order for having sought other solutions and treated with early treatments considered unsuitable by conventional medicine.

Even today, the Order of Physicians wants to “protect patients” from what is not recognized, proposing a certain number of measures to supervise the PSNC.

information and training

To monitor the development of these PSNCs and process reports, the Order surrounds itself with numerous specialized institutions, such as MIVILUDES for sectarian aberrations, the DGCCRF for fraud or DRIEETS for the trainings.

The latter will for example be responsible for “intervening upstream of the registration of the declaration of training”, thanks to a guide drawn up by the National Council of the Order of Physicians. In addition to avoiding “self-proclaimed professionals”, the objective of this intervention is presented as follows: “To prevent professionals, whether they were doctors, or other health professionals from offering the teaching of therapeutic techniques that are not scientifically validated, or even dangerous, which can sometimes present a risk of influence. »

With regard to institutions, the CNOM also recommends reinstating the “Technical Support Group” (GAT PSNC), which was responsible for identifying and classifying dangerous or promising PSNCs. It was created in 2009, and deleted in 2015.

Conversely, the CNOM alerted the government to the “worrying” existence of ” the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Agency », created in 2020 by Véronique SUISSA, Serge GUÉRIN and Philippe DENORMANDIE.

Furthermore, the report describes information work. First, the CNOM plans to join forces with MIVILUDES and DRIEETS to convince Pôle Emploi to review its Operational Directory of Trades and Jobs (ROME). It is through the latter that the institution presents each profession, its conditions of access and practice, the skills required, etc. In particular, there is a section “Personal development and well-being of the person” which disturbs the College of Physicians, in the sense that the training contained therein “is not in fact based on any regulations”.

For its part, the Order of Physicians is already drafting sheets concerning each of the PSNCs.

Finally, the CNOM communicates directly with the public, presenting for example a list of questions that should be asked before using the PSNC. Among them: “What are the qualifications of the professional I am going to consult? Is he registered in the shared register of healthcare professionals (RPPS)? If he is a doctor, is he registered on the board of doctors? With what qualifications? » ; “Am I resorting to this treatment because of a failure of conventional medicine? Am I being asked to stop my conventional treatment? » ; “What are all the risks associated with this treatment? »

In short, investigative work that is not often recommended for a classic medical appointment, for which we rely on the principle of doctor-patient trust. Two weights, two measures.

In conclusion, the authors of the text ensure that “if everyone is free to consider taking charge of their health and well-being, this free choice must be informed and exercised with full knowledge of the facts. Still, you have to have a choice, because this report, which “is only a stepping stone”, suggests that the supply of “unconventional” medicines risks suffering the blow. If necessary, the public will have little choice but to turn again to Western pharmacopoeia, its medicines and its vaccines.

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