The origin and spread of Kovid: The World Health Organization reiterates that it is animal-derived WHO

by time news

New York: The first report of the World Health Organization’s Committee on the Origin and Disease of Kovid has been released. The committee reiterated its precautionary measures against the possibility of transmission of Kovid from animals to humans. The report says more information is needed to confirm this.

The 27-member panel includes former ICMR scientist Dr. Raman R. Ganga Kheds are also members. The committee considered only published research results. A virus closely related to the virus that causes Kovid has been found in some bats in China and Laos. However, there is insufficient evidence as to how these evolved into humans. The committee has asked China for more information, including on animals marketed at the market in Wuhan, Kovid’s source. The panel found that the information provided by Chinese researchers was inadequate.

Lab leaks will be considered

The panel said it could not rule out the possibility of a corona virus leak from Biolab in Wuhan. But this was opposed by 3 members from China, Russia and Brazil. In March last year, a special team led by the World Health Organization and China rejected allegations that the virus had been leaked. Following the controversy, the WHO formed a new committee. China came out against the report yesterday. Foreign Minister Shao Lijian has accused the anti-China forces of creating a lab leak theory.

English Summary: World Heath Organisation about covid

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