The other exhumations of Cuelgamuros begin after seven years

by time news

2023-06-11 20:12:48

After six months of preparationsthis Monday the exhumations start earrings in the Valley of the Fallen, after the departure of the mortal remains of Franco and José Antonio Primo de Rivera. This is an operation that arose from the request of the lapena familypioneer in 2016 with a judgment whose effects have been added another seven, grouped in the Association of Relatives for the Exhumation of the Republicans of the Valley of the Fallen and in which there is 128 bereaved making common cause.

The lawyer who represents them, Eduardo Ranzpresented to the Ombudsman on Friday a complaint for non-compliance with the exhumations in Cuelgamuros precisely as a result of the failed dictated seven years ago. According to the judgment of the Court of First Instance number 2 of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, the next of kin obtained recognition of their right for the bodies to be exhumed from the Valley and transferred where they decided. The order to which they benefit recognized in 2016 the right of the relatives of Manuel y Antonio Ramiro Lapeña, shot in 1936 by Francoist forces, buried in calatayud (Zaragoza) and reinhumed –without permission, claim his relatives– in the Valley of the Fallen in 1959.

in june 2021the City Council of San Lorenzo de El Escorial granted National Heritage the urban planning license for the works, but the Francisco Franco National Foundation (FNFF), the Association for Reconciliation and Historical Truth and the Association for the Defense of the Valley of the Fallen (ADVC) appealed because they considered that it would influence the “need to respect the sacred eternal rest” of the deceased and their families.

Last March, the Supreme Court inadmissible the appeal filed against the judgment of June 20, 2022, of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) in relation to the license urbanistic for the rehabilitation access to the crypts. Nothing prevented the work that began in December from giving way, once everything was ready, to the interior of the burials. And that day has already arrived, with the first intervention, tomorrow, in the Sepulcher Chapel of a team made up of forensic experts and supported by the Scientific Police, with Elisa Cabrerizofrom the Institute of Legal Medicine of Granada –which was number one on the local Podemos lists for the elections on May 28– and golden enriqueJose Luis Prieto and Elisa Ruizof the Institute of Legal Medicine of Madrid, among others.

Inscription above the access door to the ossuaries ADVC THE REASON

On behalf of the Secretary of State for Democratic Memory, they are part of the commission for exhumations Francisco Etxeberria and Francis Ferrandiznext to Raphael bath González, president of the Scientific-Technical Committee of the Forensic Medical Council; Antony Alonsodirector of the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences, and Vidal Santos Just, director of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Organs with State Jurisdiction. The same coroner who certified that the ETA member Josu Uribetxeberria Bolinao was in a terminal situation to justify his release against the criterion from the specialist National audience who maintained that his state was not such.

The task to get the data from ADN for your comparison it seems complicated. In the area where the Lapeñas would be, as in other ossuaries, there are parts best preservedaccording to a study by Eduardo Torroja Institute of the CSIC (Higher Council for Scientific Research), but those with positions lower have suffered a humidity of decades. The ADVC considers that this is a task “difficult” for which “there is only court permit to look for the Lapeña brothers; the rest would be one desecration». This week he warned the minister of the Presidency; to the minister of Justice; to the president of Patrimony Nacional –and legal representative of the Foundation of the Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos–, as well as the rector of the University of Granada, of the «commission of multiple families whose ancestors are buried in the totality of 23 spaces of burial, of exercising how many civil actions I penalties they can correspond to the handling without their knowledge and express written authorization.

It also states “that it is unanimous the opinion forensic evidence that since all the remains are mixed it is impossible locate anyone sin manipulate the other cadaveric remains with which it shares an ossuary”. The president of the ADVC, Pablo Linares, “deplores the electoral useonce again, from wildcard from the valley”. In his words, “it disgusts the criteria most elementary legal and political laws that are in force at the European level, the use of muertos for political purposes.”

#exhumations #Cuelgamuros #years

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