the outline of the Council of Ministers of Thursday, April 6, 2023 – Information in Guinea and in the world

by time news

Cn Thursday, April 6, the ordinary council of ministers was held, chaired by the President of the Transition, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya. The Minister Spokesperson of the Government, Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, just after the council, met the press to debrief.

The Minister Spokesperson of the Government indicated that the President thanked the General Secretariat of Religious Affairs for the successful organization of the national competition for the reading of the Holy Quran, and the winners of the said competition.

Then, Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, indicated that the President wished that the budgets of the departments be well framed, to plan the expenses in advance. He invites the ministers responsible for infrastructure to redouble their efforts to deliver the various infrastructures (hospitals, schools, roads, etc.).

In his communication, the Prime Minister drew the attention of members of the Government to the quality of the services offered. Especially in hospitals. He will argue that too often there are fancy prescriptions that result in very high drug payments that are often not adequate for patient care. The Prime Minister also instructed the Minister of Energy to strengthen the country’s electricity supply capacity.

The other point of intervention of the Head of Government indicates the Minister Spokesman, concerns the servicing of the State domains in particular the city of Camayenne and Cameroon which have been the subject of recovery and demolition. He immediately asked the Minister Secretary General of the Government and the Minister of Housing to propose the plan for the rapid reconstruction of these vacant spaces inside the capital.

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