The Overlooked Environmental Impact of IT Infrastructure: Strategies for Sustainability and Net Zero Goals

by time news

Title: Overlooking the Environmental Impact of IT Infrastructure Jeopardizes Sustainability Efforts

Despite growing awareness and efforts towards environmental sustainability, the impact of data centers and IT infrastructure on the environment remains largely overlooked. Experts suggest that organizations need to prioritize improving the energy efficiency and sustainability of their IT systems. Failure to do so not only hinders eco-friendly practices but also misses out on potential cost savings and enhanced business agility.

Main Body:
Matt Warburton, principal consultant and sustainability lead at IT advisory firm ISG, highlights that while data centers receive the most attention in terms of environmental impact, workplace devices also contribute significantly to emissions, water usage, and waste. It is crucial for organizations to address these overlooked areas to achieve comprehensive sustainability goals.

IT’s influence on the environment varies across sectors, with higher IT intensity industries having a more substantial carbon footprint. Kristin Moyer, research vice president and distinguished analyst at research firm Gartner, states that the strategic ambition of sustainability within an organization also determines when IT sustainability is prioritized. Organizations focused on sustainability compliance or optimization may involve IT later in the process, while those aiming for sustainability transformation and innovation require immediate contributions from their IT departments.

Steps Towards Reducing IT’s Environmental Impact:
To mitigate the environmental impact of IT infrastructure, technology leaders should consider implementing the following key measures:

1. Establish an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Data Strategy:
CIOs should develop an ESG data strategy that goes beyond basic reporting and focuses on driving financial performance, risk mitigation, and sustainability progress. Developing high-quality ESG data that supports insight and foresight can bring significant benefits to the organization.

2. Create a Baseline of Energy Usage:
Collaborate with technology solution providers to gather baseline data on emissions, waste, and water usage from data centers, networking, cloud services, workplace devices, and managed services. Prioritize initiatives based on this data to effectively reduce the environmental impact of IT systems.

3. Educate and Incentivize Staff:
Make the baseline data visible and use it to educate and engage teams. Encourage staff to make sustainable decisions based on the information provided. Incentivize the consideration of baseline data in decision-making processes to identify quick wins with minimal disruption.

4. Set a Net Zero IT Goal:
Develop a net-zero roadmap for sustainable IT by collaborating with technology providers who have expertise and commitment to minimize environmental impact. Align IT goals with the organization’s overall net-zero objectives and include renewable energy, data centers, cloud services, digital workplaces, and data management in the roadmap.

As organizations continue to prioritize sustainability, it is essential not to overlook the environmental impact of IT infrastructure. Investments and efforts to enhance the energy efficiency and sustainability of workplace devices and data centers can yield significant benefits, including cost savings and improved business agility. By aligning IT goals with broader sustainability objectives and implementing strategies to reduce environmental impact, organizations can contribute to a more eco-friendly future while reaping the rewards of sustainability-driven innovation and efficiency.

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