The owner of a bar charges 2 euros for a coffee and is fined

by time news

A man walks into a coffee shop and ask for a decaf espresso. The waiter and the cobra two euros. It seems to the client too expensive and, discontent, calls the municipal police. The agents go to the place and penalize the owner of the establishment with 1.000 euros. However, the more It is not because they charged a whopping two euros for a black coffee, but because the price was not in sight. This scene is not funny. happened in Florence and not in any place: in the cafe Artisan firmrun by the popular Italian coffee maker Francis Sanapo.

When the events occurred, Italy kept some restrictions for him covid. Specifically, to consult the menus of restaurants, bars and cafeterias in digital format. Sanapo chose to put a QR code, through which you can see the menu and prices. On the other hand, the dissatisfied customer did not think that was enough and he denounced that it did not appear in any physical place and within sight, as it did with other products.

Outbursts on Instagram

Sanapo did not sit idly by. He has won several Italian coffee championships and his fame precedes him. as well as their followers. For this reason, she posted a video on Instagram defending the supreme quality of her coffees and, consequently, that this be reflected in the price. The problem, she points out, “is giving the fair value to things. Paying one euro for a coffee is not sustainable.” “The coffee I served comes from a small plantation in Chiapaswas extracted naturally and was prepared very professionally by my baristas“, he argues, while asking that his “outburst” not be “in vain”.

The coffee expert has paid the fine and has shown it on Instagram. “I am not disappointed by the fine, it is fair, it is correct,” he says, admitting the mistake of not having shown the price of the coffee. But he does not focus on the issue, but instead attacks the client who led to the controversy.

“This gentleman now walks proud of himself, believing that he has taught a lesson and that he has done Justicethat does not add up to me and I sincerely hope that this video reaches him in some way so that maybe I can have the opportunity to meet him, “he warns.

Networks defend the client

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The controversy was ‘in crescendo’. He has moved to the mediato the point that a national debate about the quality of the coffees served in Italy, the mecca of espresso. Professional colleagues have pitched in with Sanapo.

However, the barista has also seen how the networks turned against him and how a multitude of users defended the dissatisfied customer. Thus, in the reactions to his video on Instagram, you can read comments like “the fine is fair, two euros is robbery” and “Two euros! Is it a joke?”

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