The owner of the torments was the Tzaddik Rabbi Chaim Yisrael David ztl

by time news

The tormented deceased, Rabbi Chaim Yisrael David, a resident of Shikun HaRabbanim in Jerusalem and a 65-year-old student of Yeshivat Mir in Jerusalem, passed away at his death.

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: The tormented deceased Rabbi Chaim Yisrael David, one of the hard workers of the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem for many years, passed away at the age of 65.

The late was born in Romania on the 25th of Elul 5767, to his father Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak David.

The deceased was the son-in-law of the late Rabbi Aharon Rabinowitz, who broke through the communist ‘Iron Curtain’ and immigrated to the Holy Land.

Rabbi Chaim Israel was one of the hidden Tzaddiks of our generation. Maran, the owner of the “Keilot Yaakov” Stapler, said that he was all for Klal Yisrael and for that he came into the world and he atoned for Klal Yisrael.

He was a scholar in severe and bitter torment and continued to diligently study his Talmud. He was a member of the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem, where he would arrive with real devotion and contact the heads of the yeshiva.

He had a special connection with the Rosh Yeshiva Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Finkel and his family and would often visit his home.

His whole life has been an expectation of our righteous Messiah and he would talk about it a lot with his wife Mrs. Tzipa Shethi.

Since the deceased did not leave a lasting seed, please learn from Mishnayot for the ascension of the soul of R. Chaim Israel son of R. Avraham Yitzchak.

The funeral procession tonight (Holy Saturday evening, Parashat Vayicha) at 11:00 PM, from his home at 9 Torah Mitzion Street in the Rabbinical Housing in Jerusalem, to the Mount of Olives, where Whitman is buried.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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