The pain satisfies no party

by time news

Chief Warrant Officer Moriba Camara is fixed on his fate. On March 27, the Dixinn Court of First Instance imposed ten years in prison on the agent of the Anti-Crime Squad No. 1.

He may claim his innocence, Chief Warrant Officer Moriba Camara, accused of the murder, on June 1, 2022, of Thierno Mamadou Diallo, was found guilty of “murder”, sentenced to 10 years in prison. On the civil action, he will have to pay to the family of the victim, as damages, 100 million Guinean francs. Judge Amadou Sy ignores the 25 years of imprisonment required by the public minister, as well as the 10 billion Guinean francs in damages requested by the civil party.

The sentence attached to Chief Warrant Officer Moriba Camara does not satisfy either the defense or the civil party, let alone the prosecution. Alpha Issiagha Diallo, brother of Thierno Mamadou Diallo, finds it very light: “We expected a heavier sentence. We wanted the Thierno Mamadou Diallo case to serve as an example for the killings during the demonstrations to stop. But there, it is as if he was guaranteed impunity. This sentence is very light”. He promises to appeal. Just like Maître Kabinet Kourala Kéïta, defense lawyer. He and his client want to take the case to the Court of Appeal to try to reverse the decision: “The magistrates lacked courage because in reality Moriba Camara is not guilty of anything. He’s an innocent. From beginning to end, the prosecution and the civil party did not provide the slightest proof of imputability. We will go to the Court of Appeal, the magistrates will purely and simply censure this bad decision”.

The Deputy Prosecutor, Mamadou Hady Diallo

The deputy prosecutor, Mamadou Hady Diallo, remains evasive as to the outcome of the case: “The judge is independent, we do not comment on his decision. We requested a sentence based on the exhibits available to us. If the court considers it to be 10 years, we will meet at the level of the prosecution to decide on the follow-up to be given because we have a right of appeal”.

Thierno Mamadou Diallo, a 19-year-old student, was shot dead in Hamdallaye on the sidelines of a demonstration against the increase in the price of petroleum products. Very quickly, the BAC 1 agents present had been singled out. Chief Warrant Officer Moriba Camara has been charged and placed under a warrant of committal. The other four officers received a dismissal.

Yacine Diallo

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