The Pakistani Prime Minister on his opponent: “The biggest liar on earth”

by time news

The exchange of accusations between the incumbent prime minister and the ousted prime minister in Pakistan. The incumbent prime minister blames his predecessor for leaving the country in ruins. The country was hit by the worst flooding in its history, 1,600 dead and millions left without a roof and clean water

Pakistan Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has accused former Prime Minister Imran Khan of being the “biggest liar on earth” and “injecting poison into society” to “dangerously polarize the electorate” after he was ousted from power earlier this year.

In his first interview from Pakistan since taking office as prime minister last April, Sharif, 70, spoke of the “damage” Shah Khan, who has ruled Pakistan since 2018, has caused to the country both domestically and in international relations.

Pakistan is currently in the midst of an unprecedented economic crisis, dealing with rising inflation, skyrocketing international debt, dwindling foreign exchange reserves and now more than $30 billion in damage after the country was hit by the worst flooding in its history, 1,600 dead and millions without shelter or clean water.

Sharif, the younger brother of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif and part of one of Pakistan’s most powerful political dynasties, called Khan a “liar and cheater” whose policies have left the economy in ruins. He accused Khan, who ran on an anti-corruption campaign, of running the country’s affairs to suit his personal agenda. “In a way that can only be described as the most inexperienced, self-centered, egotistical and immature politician in the history of this country.”

Khan made repeated claims that the vote against him in parliament that led to his impeachment was a “foreign plot” against him by the US and claimed he had a diplomatic way to prove it, despite public denials by the US, the military and figures in the government, and in private meetings with diplomats.

The British “Guardian” reports that the issue became even more heated last week after audio recordings of informal private conversations that Khan had in his office when he was prime minister were leaked to the Internet. In the leaked audio, Khan is heard discussing how to concoct a conspiracy about a foreign threat.

Sharif said that the leaked recordings are “an irrefutable confirmation that he, Khan, is the biggest liar on the face of the earth. I do not say this with a sense of joy but with a sense of embarrassment and concern. The image of my country has been greatly damaged by these lies told out of malicious personal interest.”

Since being ousted from power, Khan, now the leader of the opposition, has been rousing his millions of loyal supporters at rallies and speeches across the country, spreading conspiracy theories and accusing the Sharif-led coalition government of being corrupt and “the government imported from the West”. He has pledged to fight the next election, and is planning a “surprise on the capital, Islamabad” march in the coming weeks.

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