2024-05-09 00:40:57
The measures aimed at controlling COVID-19 since March of last year have affected the economic activity of the countries, causing high levels of unemployment. According to the report Labor situation in Latin America and the Caribbean -prepared by ECLAC and the ILO-, the age group most affected by layoffs and layoffs is young people up to 24 years old.
This is due, in part, to the fact that they tend to be more involved in informal and precarious activities, which were seriously affected by the health crisis. On average, labor informality among young people in Latin America amounts to 67.5%.
The report data is consistent: The youth unemployment rate went from 27.3% in the second quarter of 2019 to 30.8% in the same period of 2020, while among adults this indicator increased from 8.4% to 10.3%.
It is common that in periods of economic crisis, adjustment measures on employment especially impact young people. This is because companies stop hiring new workers and, as the situation worsens, they begin to fire employees with less experience and seniority. In addition, the economic sectors most affected by the pandemic situation, such as hospitality, commerce and construction, are also those in which there is the highest percentage of youth work.
On the other hand, according to a study by the University of Chile, which investigates the predominant emotions during the pandemic, Young people showed a greater tendency than adults and the elderly to experience sadness, loneliness and anguish during this stage. The feeling of worsening well-being and mental health conditions was also greater in this group of interviewees.
Although it is not possible to know what will actually happen to young people who have become inactive during the current crisis, it is very likely that the reactivation process will be slow and prolonged. On the other hand, it may happen that in the recovery period companies look for experienced personnel, which would not favor the hiring of young people.
A hopeful scenario is constituted those companies that have digitized their processes to be able to function online through web hosting providers. In these remote and markedly virtual work modalities, many young people can use their knowledge as digital natives and contribute value to different national and international brands. These businesses are potential employers of those under 25 years of age and encourage their employment.
However, given this panorama, the study points out the importance of implementation of public policies aimed at improving the employability of young people and facilitating their entry or re-entry into the market. Good examples of this would be training, internships, requalification or job reconversion options and especially training in digital skills, skills that are in high demand in the market.