The parade of recommendations: the first Likud representatives to the president

by time news

Bentzi Robin, knitted news09.11.22 15:47 Tuesday in Hashvan Tishpag

The parade of recommendations: the first Likud representatives to the president

(Photo: Aryeh Lev Abrams/Flash90)

State President Yitzhak Herzog began the process of consultations with the representatives of the factions elected to the Knesset, when in the end he will assign the task of forming the government to Benjamin Netanyahu.

Despite the known result, Herzog will meet with the various representatives and hear their opinion about the future of the next government. The meetings will be held today and will end on Friday, and the official announcement will be made by the President only on Sunday.

The first to arrive at the President’s House are representatives of the Likud, the largest faction in the 25th Knesset which will include 32 members of the Knesset. The MKs who came are Yariv Levin, Miri Regev and Eli Cohen.

Live broadcast from the President’s house:

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MK Yariv Levin told the president that “there is a public expectation that we will establish a stable government as soon as possible after years without a decision.” MK Miri Regev added: “The main issue we will deal with is the Jewish identity of the country because there was a prime minister here who did not even visit Once during his tenure at the Kotel.”

The continuation of today’s expected schedule:

17:00: Arrival of Yesh Atid faction representatives.

18:15: Arrival of representatives of the state camp faction.

Heads of the “State Camp” (Photo: Elad Malka)

19:30: Arrival of representatives of the Shas faction.

Thursday, November 10

10:00: Arrival of representatives of the Torah Judaism faction.

11:00: Arrival of representatives of the religious Zionist faction.

Photo: Yossi Aloni/Flash 90

12:00: Arrival of representatives of the Yisrael Beitenu faction.

4:30 p.m.: Arrival of representatives of the Otzma Yehudit faction.

19:30: Arrival of representatives of the Hadash Ta’al faction.

20:30: Arrival of the representatives of the Ra’am faction.

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Friday, November 11

11:00: Arrival of representatives of the labor faction.

12:00: Arrival of representatives of the Noam faction.

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