2024-07-27 19:31:26
He was not the first to note the political power of conspiracy theories—the honor is that of Karl Popper—but he was a pioneer in warning that they did not develop only in authoritarian regimes, as Austrian thought concerned. , but also increased as the grass of democracy. Along with The paranoid style in American politics, the historian Richard Hofstadter wrote, in 1964, one of the most important words to understand the danger of certain hard-line ideas based on what former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway called “the facts another truth.” Perhaps the problem is not so much belief – ufologists are almost more innocent than annoying, no one can beat them as conspiracy theorists – as behavior – the “body” to which the title refers – and the destructive effect it has : the further away it is from reality in a hypothesis, the more difficult it is to find a meeting with others. And when communication is impossible, rivals or enemies become enemies.
Paranoid self… It is an installation of an old text first read in 1959 by the BBC and updated after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The best known version, the one published Harper’s magazine in 1964, briefly refers to the murder, but its central theme is the breeding ground that has led the Republican Party to designate Arizona councilman Barry Goldwater as its election candidate. So, without other tests like A pseudo-conservative revolution (1954) it Goldwater and pseudo-conservative policies (1965)—often published together—it is difficult to get to the bottom of the author’s thoughts.
#paranoid #style #American #politics