The Paris stabber, Sagou Gauno Kassogue, will not go to prison due to psychiatric disorders –

by time news

2024-02-04 12:28:58

by Stefano Montefiori, Paris correspondent

Sagou Gauno Kassogue, perpetrator of the Saturday morning attack at the Gare de Lyon in Paris, hospitalized in the infirmary of the Paris prefecture: precautionary custody ruled out for now

PARIS – The precautionary custody of Sagou Gauno Kassogue already over because his health conditions – psychiatric disorders – are considered incompatible with detention. The 32-year-old perpetrator of Saturday morning’s attack at the Gare de Lyon is currently hospitalized in the Paris prefecture infirmary. Kassogue, a citizen of Mali, landed in Sicily in 2016 and lived in Montaldo Dora, in the metropolitan area of ​​Turin, until last June. In Italy he was a labourer, and for some time he would also work as a shop assistant. In 2019 Kassogue obtained a residence permit for humanitarian reasons, which is still valid, which allowed him to travel and arrive in France regularly. still registered in the patient lists of a mental hygiene center in Turin and in his pocket the French policemen found, in addition to specific medicines to alleviate his condition, also a leaflet with an appointment at a specialists’ office.

If the mental disorders of Sagou Gauno Kassogue are not in question, the point under discussion in these hours in France is whether they are sufficient to exclude the terrorist motive of yesterday’s attack: the man was stabbed and three people were hammered in the train station, one of whom is still in serious condition.

The prefect of Paris, Laurent Nuez, says that nothing suggests that it was a terrorist act, and the national anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office is in fact not dealing with the case. The profile of Sagou Gauno Kassogue, however, presents aspects that fuel controversy, with many voices, especially on the far right, accusing the government of using the man’s psychiatric illness as a tool to deny the terrorist nature of the attack, so as not to fuel tension towards foreigners and Muslims.

But Sagou Gauno Kassogue arrived in France from Italy a few days ago, on February 1, sleeping on the street, precisely to commit the attack on Saturday morning. His TikTok account full of videos in which, with a certain coherence, he explains his political positions: absolute hatred towards the impostor Macron, the Westerners and in particular the French, accused of being hypocritical colonialists who have plundered the riches of my homeland, Mali. Kassogue shows that he admires Russian President Vladimir Putin, judges the Wagner militia to be better than the French army made up of thieves and rapists, invites Africans to never forgive France, and theorizes that in some cases it is necessary to go on the attack, to create fear to your enemy.

An attack that Kassogue actually carried out on Saturday morning. The profiles of a psychiatric patient and a terrorist – Islamist and/or anti-Western – do not seem incompatible, even if while stabbing passers-by the man did not shout Allah Akhbar like many other perpetrators of similar attacks.

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February 4, 2024 (modified February 4, 2024 | 1.35 pm)

#Paris #stabber #Sagou #Gauno #Kassogue #prison #due #psychiatric #disorders

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