The Parisian apartment of the daughter of President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh raided in the investigation of “ill-gotten gains”

by time news

The Parisian apartment of the daughter of Djibouti President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh, whose entourage is the subject of an investigation in France on suspicion of “ill-gotten gains”, was recently raided by the French judicial police, it was reported. learned Friday from sources close to the file and judicial.

Located in the wealthy 16th arrondissement of the French capital, the apartment of Fatouma-Awo Ismaïl Omar was visited by police officers from the Central Office for the Suppression of Serious Financial Delinquency (OCRGDF) “a month ago, a month and a half ”, according to the close source, confirming information from the economic magazine Challenges. The search took place on March 14, a judicial source told AFP.

Investigation opened in November 2018

The operation is part of the investigation opened in November 2018 by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office (PNF) following a complaint filed by the NGO Sherpa and the European Collective of the Djiboutian Diaspora (CEDD). “After three years of investigation, we are finally approaching the nuclear heart of the corruptive family system”, reacted to AFP Sherpa’s lawyer, Me William Bourdon.

The complaint related to real estate located in three upscale districts of Paris (8th, 16th and 17th) and belonging to members of the family of the Djiboutian head of state, in power for twenty-three years and re-elected in 2021 for a 5th term in this small, highly strategic country in the Horn of Africa where France has a strong military presence.

What role for the husband?

The NGO Sherpa pointed in particular to the role of Tommy Tayoro Nyckoss, husband of the eldest daughter of the Djiboutian president, at the head of civil real estate companies in France. Nyckoss “seems to be a pivotal, central personality in the implementation of operations carried out for years by the family of Ismaïl Omar Guelleh for the purpose of embezzlement of public assets”, according to the complaint consulted by AFP at the time. of his deposit.

According to Challenges, the couple had bought the apartment targeted by the search in 2016 for two million euros. Solicited, the lawyer for the family of Ismaïl Omar Guelleh could not be reached.

Several procedures, some of which are still ongoing, have been carried out in France in so-called “ill-gotten gains” cases. Recently, between the end of March and the beginning of April, four children of the late President Omar Bongo Ondimba were indicted by French justice in the case of Gabon’s “ill-gotten gains” in France.

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